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Search within Democratic Republic of Congo

231 results found

Journal Article

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Among Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Post-Conflict Scenario

The ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has triggered sexual and gender-based violence, including rape, sexual slavery, trafficking, intimate partner violence, and sexual exploitation. Gender inequalities and abuse of power experienced by women and young girls…
Dove Medical Press Limited
Journal Article

Challenges of controlling sleeping sickness in areas of violent conflict: experience in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT), or sleeping sickness, is a fatal neglected tropical disease if left untreated. HAT primarily affects people living in rural sub-Saharan Africa, often in regions afflicted by violent conflict. Screening and treatment of HAT is complex and…
Springer Nature

‘It’s not all about the land’: Land disputes and conflict in the eastern Congo

This briefing makes several key points: Current interventions in land conflicts are focused on conflict management rather than conflict resolution. Land conflicts are part of a wider governance problem and need political rather than technical approaches. Conflicts over land are…
Rift Valley Institute

Youth Groups and Urban Policing in the Eastern Congo

Across cities in eastern Congo, youth groups are involved in urban policing, operating between state and non-state actors and formal and informal governance. While some are responsible for improving security in their neighbourhoods, others contribute to its deterioration. This briefing…
Rift Valley Institute

A System of Insecurity: Understanding Urban Violence and Crime in Bukavu

A System of Insecurity: Understanding Urban Violence and Crime in Bukavu examines the role of state and non-state actors in the provision of security, and citizens’ perceptions of, experiences with and responses to insecurity in Bukavu, the capital of South…
Rift Valley Institute
Journal Article

Resources and resourcefulness: Roles, opportunities and risks for women working at artisanal mines in South Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Two dominant narratives have characterized the conflict in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): (1) the horrific abuse of women through sexual violence and (2) the use of “conflict minerals” to fuel the fighting. These two advocacy narratives intersect…

Insecurity In Goma: Experiences, Actors and Responses

Since the start of 2019, a series of murders, violent robberies and kidnappings have taken place in peripheral neighbourhoods of Goma. The rapid rise in violent crime has alarmed city residents and led to calls for the local government and…
Rift Valley Institute

Rebels and the City: Urban dimensions of armed mobilization in the eastern Congo

Despite focusing the bulk of their operations on rural areas, armed groups in the eastern Congo have long-standing connections with urban centres. Technological progress, such as mobile communication, and enhanced movement, especially through motorcycle taxis, have intensified these connections. These…
Rift Valley Institute
Journal Article

Maternal Psychological Distress and Perceived Impact on Child Feeding Practices in South Kivu, DR Congo

Maternal mental health problems are associated with poor child growth and suboptimal child feeding practices, yet little qualitative research has been conducted to understand mothers’ perceptions about how maternal mental ill health and child nutrition are related. This study among…
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

(De) Masqué : Ruse, Résilience Et Résistance – La Controverse D’une Mesure COVID-19 fr

Depuis Février 2020, le monde est confronté au coronavirus (COVID-19) dont les premiers cas s’étaient déclarés dans la ville de Wuhan en Chine en novembre 2019. L’avènement de la COVID-19, sa propagation et le nombre croissant des morts (à ce…
Angaza Institute

Covid-19 : De La Crise De Communication Au Déni De La Crise En République Démocratique Du Congo fr

Le covid-19 est une maladie dangereuse. Mais la communication au sujet du covid-19 peut être plus dangereuse si elle n’est pas cohérente. D’une part, une communication dramatique peut inutilement entraîner ou aggraver la psychose et un stress généralisé. D’autre part,…
Angaza Institute

Angaza COVID-19 Series : Penser La Riposte Sur Les Leçons Apprises Du Passé fr

La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) a une longue expérience de gestion des épidémies. Plusieurs recherches indiquent que les approches de contrôles de l’épidémie Ebola et la pandémie de Covid-19 sont presque les mêmes. Récemment, l’expérience acquise dans la lutte…
Angaza Institute