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Search within South Sudan

155 results found


Key Considerations: Alleviating Chronic Food Insecurity in South Sudan

This infographic summarises key considerations from a SSHAP brief on responding to food insecurity in South Sudan authored by Tong Anei and Leben Moro. The infographic highlights the importance of investing in agriculture and livelihoods, enhancing market access and infrastructure, and…

Key Considerations: Alleviating Chronic Food Insecurity in South Sudan arfr

The Republic of South Sudan has experienced chronic food insecurity for decades and particularly in the last five years. This chronic food insecurity is a result of a combination of factors, including protracted conflicts, socio-economic fragility, lack of infrastructure, climate…

Key Considerations for Responding to Floods in South Sudan Through the Humanitarian-Peace-Development Nexus arfr

This infographic summarises the insights from a recent key considerations brief on responding to floods in South Sudan through the lens of Humanitarian-Peace-Development (HDP) Nexus. The brief describes the multidimensional impacts of flooding on peace, health, livelihoods and governance and…

Key Considerations for Responding to Floods in South Sudan Through the Humanitarian-Peace-Development Nexus

In common with many other African countries, the Republic of South Sudan is increasingly experiencing devastating floods linked to climate change.1,2 The Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) and El Niño regulate the climate of Equatorial Eastern Africa. In 2019, a dipole…

Conflict-Sensitive Returns and Integration in South Sudan

Since fighting flared up in Sudan in April 2023, an estimated 8.2 million Sudanese have been forcibly displaced, out of which 1.7 million are hosted by neighbouring countries, including 588,711 people by South Sudan.1 At the same time, an estimated…

Information Preparedness and Community Engagement for El Niño in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region frptes

El Niño can be viewed as a multi-hazard event, and considerations for information needs cut across different populations and risks, including direct weather-related hazards, reduced agricultural production, greater food insecurity and malnutrition, increased transmission of infectious diseases and effects on…

A Study of Socio-Cultural Practices and COVID-19 Preventive Measures in South Sudan

The study principally investigates whether the socio-cultural practices of South Sudanese influence their responses to COVID-19 measures that the Government of South Sudan has adopted to stop the spread of the virus. Its findings record the ways in which they…
University of Juba

Crisis in Sudan: Note on Displacement from Sudan to South Sudan ar

This infographic summarises the insights from a recent briefing note on displacement due to the crisis in Sudan.

Crisis in Sudan: Briefing Note on Displacement from Sudan to South Sudan ar

The experiences of those fleeing from Sudan to South Sudan due to the current conflict are shaped by the complex socio-political dynamics within and between the two countries. This briefing (published 28 July 2023) focuses on the historical and socio-political…

Flood Assessment in South Sudan November 2022

Like many countries around the globe, South Sudan is facing unprecedented impacts of climate change. Since 2017, it has experienced heavy downpours which have resulted in rampant floods. For instance, between July and October 2021 alone, 856,000 people were affected…
Journal Article

Hiding in plain sight: IDP’s protection strategies after closing Juba’s protection of civilian sites

When civil war broke out in South Sudan in 2013, people from the Nuer minority ethnic group became targeted by government forces and sought protection in United Nations peace-keeping bases which expanded and became known as Protection of Civilian sites…
Journal Article

War and peace: What’s the difference?

This article analyses the political and contextual differences between war and peace.