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Search within South Sudan

155 results found

Research paper

More than mere survival: violence, humanitarian governance, and practical material politics in a Kenyan refugee camp

This paper frames the political import of refugees’ material practices in Kakuma Refugee Camp through critical reflection on Eyal Weizman’s notion of the humanitarian present. To begin, I explore how the production of the refugee camp as a space of…
SAGE Publications
Research paper

Barriers to Institutional Childbirth in Rumbek North County, South Sudan: A Qualitative Study

South Sudan has one of the world’s poorest health indicators due to a fragile health system and a combination of socio-cultural, economic and political factors. This paper reports on a study conducted to identify barriers to utilisation of institutional childbirth…
Research paper

“We need good nutrition but we have no money to buy food”: sociocultural context, care experiences, and newborn health in two UNHCR-supported camps in South Sudan

Determinants of newborn health and survival exist across the reproductive life cycle, with many sociocultural and contextual factors influencing outcomes beyond the availability of, and access to, quality health services. To better understand key needs and opportunities to improve newborn…
BMC International Health and Human Rights
Research paper

Social norms and family planning decisions in South Sudan

With a maternal mortality ratio of 789 per 100,000 live births, and a contraceptive prevalence rate of 4.7%, South Sudan has one of the worst reproductive health situations in the world. Understanding the social norms around sexuality and reproduction, across…
BMC Public Health
Research paper

Too afraid to go: fears of dignity violations as reasons for non-use of maternal health services in South Sudan

South Sudan has one of the worst health and maternal health situations in the world. While maternal health services at primary care level are not well developed, even where they exist, many women do not use them. Developing location specific…
Reproductive Health
Research paper

Resistant Resilience: Agency and Resilience Among Refugees Resisting Humanitarian Corruption in Uganda

Resilience is a dominant humanitarian-development theme. Nonetheless, some humanitarian-development programmes have demonstrably negative impacts which encourage vulnerable people to actively resist these programmes. Based on 12 months ethnographic fieldwork in a Ugandan refugee settlement during 2017–18, this paper argues refugee residents…
Taylor & Francis Online

Mobile Livelihoods: Borderland dynamics between Uganda and South Sudan

This report from the Rift Valley Institute explores the dynamics of transnational movement and networks of kin of South Sudanese and South Sudanese refugees in Uganda.
Rift Valley Institute

“Our Hearts Have Gone Dark”: The Mental Health Impact of South Sudan’s Conflict

This report by Amnesty International describes the serious and significant mental health impact of South Sudan’s conflict to highlight the urgency for more attention and resources to improve the availability, accessibility, and quality of mental health services in the country.…
Amnesty International Ltd
Research paper

When kleptocracy becomes insolvent: Brute causes of the civil war in South Sudan

South Sudan obtained independence in July 2011 as a kleptocracy – a militarized, corrupt neo-patrimonial system of governance. By the time of independence, the South Sudanese “political marketplace” was so expensive that the country’s comparatively copious revenue was consumed by…
Oxford University Press
Research paper

Interrupting the balance: reconsidering the complexities of conflict in South Sudan

By the start of 2014, violent conflict had erupted across much of South Sudan following initial violence in Juba on 15 December 2013. The speed with which the fighting has spread raises questions regarding the impact of national-level politics on…
Wiley Online Library
Research paper

When community reintegration is not the best option: interethnic violence and the trauma of parental loss in South Sudan

Challenging the received wisdom that community reintegration is always better than institutional provision, this case study argues that institutional care of orphans should not always be considered only as a last resort but may offer greater care and protection than…
Wiley Online Library
Research paper

It takes a village to raise a militia: local politics, the Nuer White Army, and South Sudan’s civil wars

Why does South Sudan continue to experience endemic, low intensity conflicts punctuated by catastrophic civil wars? Reporters and analysts often mischaracterise conflicts in the young country of South Sudan as products of divisive ‘tribal’ or ‘ethnic’ rivalries and political competition…
Cambridge University Press

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