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Search within Displacement

90 results found


Beyond Grief: To Love and Stay with Those Who Die in Our Arms

What does it take to love our babies, our living, and our dead in the midst of Israel's genocidal colonial conquest? How do we care for our massacred bodies and all the collective residues of horror as our people are…
Institute for Palestine Studies

Frequently asked questions on ICRC’s work in Israel and the occupied territories

The ICRC has been providing assistance to people affected by the conflict and violence in Israel and the Occupied Territories (ILOT) since 1967. This page is an effort to make information easily accessible to all those who feel like the ICRC can…
International Committee of the Red Cross
News Article

Gaza crisis: Babies being born ‘into hell’ amid desperate aid shortages ar

Babies are being “delivered into hell” in Gaza with many others likely dying as a result of conflict with Israel and increasingly dire conditions in the enclave, UN humanitarians warned on Friday.
UN News
Background Reports

War in the Gaza Strip: Public Health Situation Analysis

The current public health situation analysis (PHSA) concerns the population living within the Gaza Strip and affected by the acute emergency resulting from large-scale military operations by Israel and Hamas.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
News Article

Gaza conflict: how children’s lives are affected on every level

Children living in Gaza have never known anything but overcrowding, shortages, conflict and danger.
The Conversation

Participatory Vulnerability Analysis in the North of the Gaza Strip

This report draws on a workshop, focus group discussions and key informant interviews to understand the vulnerability of communities and livelihoods in the northern Gaza Strip. It explores how this activity enabled the design of resilience-oriented actions to improve the…

Gender alert: The gendered impact of the crisis in Gaza ar

Since 7 October 2023, more than 24,620 Palestinians have been killed in the Gaza Strip, 70 per cent of whom were women or children. This document provides an overview of the situation in Gaza and articulates UN Women’s work as part…
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
Research Article

Gender Relations and Power Dynamics in WFP Palestine Beneficiary Households Study – WFP and UN Women 2022

WFP Palestine commissioned this study to assess gender dynamics and power relations in WFP Palestine beneficiary households and propose recommendations to improve the gender transformative potential of WFP programming. Co-funded by UN Women.
Journal Article

Violence in Palestine demands immediate resolution of its settler colonial root causes

The latest escalation of more than 100 years of violence in occupied Palestine has caused phenomenal levels of yet more suffering. This violence must end. The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reports that at least 3785…
BMJ Global Health

‘Pity the region’* – Gaza and the politics of health in the Middle East

The humanitarian situation in Gaza is a catastrophe. Sixteen years of blockade has left Gaza in a fragile humanitarian state. However, the current conflict is one of many humanitarian disasters that has afflicted the region since the Arab Awakening in…
BMJ Global Health

Palestine: Water crisis in the Gaza Strip

This report analyses the WASH crisis in the Gaza Strip aggravated by the current hostilities. It seeks to provide an alert on the severity of the crisis, highlighting the health and protection impacts and risks that would arise should the…

The Political Economy of Health in the Gaza Strip (Occupied Palestinian Territory)

This document presents the results of a political economy analysis (PEA) of the health sector in Gaza. It is based on a literature review spanning multiple source types, and in-depth semi-structured interviews with policy makers, health officials and carers of…