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Search within Gender-Based Violence

31 results found

Journal Article

Examining diffusion to understand the how of SASA!, a violence against women and HIV prevention intervention in Uganda

A growing number of complex public health interventions combine mass media with community-based “change agents” and/or mobilisation efforts acting at multiple levels. While impact evaluations are important, there is a paucity of research into the more nuanced roles intervention and…
BMC Public Health
Journal Article

Sexual health of adolescent girls and young women in Central Uganda: exploring perceived coercive aspects of transactional sex

Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Uganda are at risk of early sexual debut, unwanted pregnancy, violence, and disproportionally high HIV infection rates, driven in part by transactional sex. This paper examines the extent to which AGYW’s participation in…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal Article

Community perspectives on the extent to which transactional sex is viewed as sexual exploitation in Central Uganda

Sexual exploitation violates children’s rights and exposes them to harm, but there exist differences in views of behaviour that is considered sexually exploitative, including transactional sex. This paper explores community perspectives on transactional sex and exploitation in two communities in…
BMC International Health and Human Rights
Journal Article

“We saw that jealousy can also bring violence”: A qualitative exploration of the intersections between jealousy, infidelity and intimate partner violence in Rwanda and Uganda

Efforts to prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) have been informed by emerging research on common triggers of IPV and the importance of engaging with couple dynamics. This paper reports on secondary data analysis from the qualitative evaluations of the SASA!…
Science Direct
Journal Article

Violence, abuse and exploitation among trafficked women and girls: a mixed-methods study in Nigeria and Uganda

Africa is the global region where modern-slavery is most prevalent, especially among women and girls. Despite the severe health consequences of human trafficking, evidence on the risks and experiences of trafficked adolescents and young women is scarce for the region.…
BMC Public Health
Journal Article

Stigmatisation and rejection of survivors of sexual violence in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

Studies report that between 6 per cent and 29 per cent of survivors of sexual violence in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) are rejected by their families and communities. This research project was designed to provide insights into…
Wiley Online Library
Journal Article

Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Among Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Post-Conflict Scenario

The ongoing humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has triggered sexual and gender-based violence, including rape, sexual slavery, trafficking, intimate partner violence, and sexual exploitation. Gender inequalities and abuse of power experienced by women and young girls…
Dove Medical Press Limited
Journal Article

Resources and Rape: Congo’s (toxic) Discursive Complex

In the last decade, the rapes (of women) in, and the metaphoric raping (of natural resources) of, the Democratic Republic of Congo have received unprecedented attention from media, donors, and advocacy groups. Beginning in the early 2000s, these two narratives…
Cambridge University Press
Journal Article

‘A Real Woman Waits’ – Heteronormative Respectability, Neo-Liberal Betterment and Echoes of Coloniality in SGBV Programming in Eastern DR Congo

Drawing on archival and field research, this article critically examines the production and distribution of gender roles and expectations in SGBV programming, in particular in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). We find the underlying currents in some of these…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal Article

What Women Want before Justice: Examining Justice Initiatives to Challenge Violence against Women in the DRC

While the realization of women’s rights has increased significantly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Congolese women’s struggle is often obscured by certain international actors actively pushing for social change in the region. Those who are politically active in…
Oxford University Press
Journal Article

Behind the weapon of war: sexual violence in wartime as a reflection of social attitudes towards women in peacetime

This article looks at practices of sexual violence that were prevalent during the period before the conflict in 1996 in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), and shows how they have contributed to war-related sexual violence. The findings are based…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal Article

Sexual and gender based violence against men in the Democratic Republic of Congo: effects on survivors, their families and the community

Media and service provider reports of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) perpetrated against men in armed conflicts have increased. However, response to these reports has been limited, as existing evidence and programs have primarily focused on prevention and response…
Taylor & Francis Online