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Search within Health

632 results found

Discriminate biopower and everyday biopolitics: views on sickle cell testing in Dakar

Many physicians in Senegal and France, where most Senegalese sickle cell specialists are partially trained, assume that genetic testing that could imply selective abortion for people with sickle cell would run counter to the religious and cultural ethics of people…

Diagnosing Diabetes, Diagnosing Colonialism: An Ethnography of the Classification and Counting of a Senegalese Metabolic Disease

This article explores the top-down production of the statistics frequently circulated in global health. These data must first originate in a place like the public hospital in Saint-Louis, Senegal, in doctor’s offices and laboratories and medical archives.

Caregiving in Crisis: Fatherhood Refashioned by Sierra Leone’s Ebola Epidemic

In much of the literature on Sierra Leone, young men have been recognized for perpetrating violence or resisting authority. This characterization extended into the Ebola crisis, as young men were depicted as “resisting” public health measures. In contrast, little scholarship…

A History of Urban Planning and Infectious Diseases: Colonial Senegal in the Early Twentieth Century

This paper deals with the spatial implications of the French sanitary policies in early colonial urban Senegal. It focuses on the French politics of residential segregation following the outbreak of the bubonic plague in Dakar in 1914, and their precedents…

Comment une Cellule d’Analyse Intégrée des Epidémies (AIE) répond aux questions opérationnelles (FR) fr

  L’objectif de notre partenariat est de faciliter et encourager les communautés et les autorités sanitaires à concevoir des stratégies de Santé Publique responsables, redevables et efficaces reposant sur l’analyse de données objectives et multisectorielles. L’AIE adopte une approche holistique…

How Integrated Outbreak Analytics (IOA) answers operational questions (ENG)

  IOA aims to drive comprehensive, accountable, and effective public health and clinical strategies by enabling communities, and national and subnational health authorities to use data for operational decision-making. IOA embraces a holistic approach: from the research questions to the…

People’s Agenda for Pandemic Preparedness

Research from 25 countries across six continents by over 50 researchers: What do people need to recover from pandemics? How do people think we should prepare and respond differently for the next pandemic?
Institute of Development Studies
Case Studies

Strengthening Health Information Surveillance: Implementing Community-Based Surveillance in Sudan

This case study explores the 2018–22 implementation of a national community-based surveillance (CBS) programme in Sudan. The programme was designed to meet critical needs of the existing health surveillance system. It aimed to empower communities to detect and contain public…

Key Considerations: Community-Based Surveillance in Public Health

Recent large-scale epidemics and pandemics have demonstrated the importance of engaging communities as partners in preventing, detecting and responding to public health emergencies. Community-based surveillance (CBS), which relies on communities to report public health information, can be an important part…

Comic: Mpox in Nigeria – lessons from diverse experiences

In 2022, the virus mpox was declared a public health emergency of international concern. From October 2022 to February 2023, a research team from the UK and Nigeria studied the recent story of mpox in Nigeria, and what it could…
Photo story

Photo story: Views of Mpox in Nigeria

This photo story explores how mpox is felt and understood by different people in Nigeria – including those with symptoms, the wider community and healthcare workers. It gives a snapshot of some of the themes from our research, though it’s…

Situational Analysis: Marburg Virus Disease in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania

This brief provides an overview of the Marburg Virus Disease outbreaks in Equatorial Guinea and Tanzania, as well as contextual factors to inform considerations for responses in both countries.