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700 results found

Background report
Risk, Modernity and the H5N1 Virus in Action in Indonesia: A Multi-Sited Study of the Threats of Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza
This thesis examines the Influenza A/H5N1 virus in action through an ethnographic study focused on the entwined concepts of risk and modernity. The objective is to explain why the response to the virus has been challenged in Indonesia. Concerned with…

Background report
The Political Economy of Avian Influenza Response and Control in Vietnam
As a country suffering from large-scale AI outbreaks and receiving considerable international support, Vietnam provides a crucial case not to be missed in any analysis of the global AI crisis. Vietnam is also interesting because of two paradoxes in her…

Working paper
Researching social policy
This working paper reviews some of the main methodological approaches to emerge in the 1990s, reflecting on both their objectives and their limitations.

Background report
Changing Understandings of HIV and AIDS through Treatment Interactions
The problem of HIV internationally has many wide ranging impacts on people, communities and countries’ development. In the last decade antiretroviral (ARV) treatment has emerged as the major scientific-technical solution, albeit a costly one. Access to ARV treatment is of…

Background report
To Pandemic or Not? Reconfiguring Global Responses to Influenza
Examining the political economy of knowledge in responses to the 2009-10 influenza pandemic, this paper argues that globally, and in many individual nations, techno-scientific narratives constructed by bio-medical actor networks failed to correspond with the more variegated narratives of multifarious…

The Pathology of Inequality: Gender and Ebola in West Africa
The international response to Ebola has been decried for being ‘too slow, too little, too late’. As well as racing to respond, we need to consider what has happened over the past decades to leave exposed fault lines that enabled…

The ‘One Man Can’ Model: Community Mobilisation as an Approach to Promote Gender Equality and Reduce HIV Vulnerability in South Africa
This story of change pulls out the key findings and recommendations from EMERGE case study 6, which focuses on the One Man Can initiative in South Africa. The initiative works through community mobilisation to question gender norms and improve knowledge…

‘One hand can’t clap by itself’: Engagement of Boys and Men in KMG’s Intervention to Eliminate FGM-C in Kembatta Zone, Ethiopia
This story of change pulls out the key findings and recommendations from EMERGE case study 3, which focuses on the work of KMG to eliminate female genital mutilation-cutting in Ethiopia.

Evidence review
Developing, Implementing and Evaluating the SOFIE Model: Supporting Increased Educational Access for Vulnerable Pupils in Malawi
Against the context of underlying poverty, HIV/AIDS and an over-stretched and underresourced education system, many children in Malawi have reduced and sporadic access to schooling and are at risk of permanent dropout. Evidence from the sub-Saharan Africa(SSA) region suggests that…

Background report
Polio Vaccines – Difficult to Swallow The Story of a Controversy in Northern Nigeria
Global health and poverty reduction discourses have recognised immunisation as one of the most affordable and effective means of reducing child mortality and in a broader sense, as an essential contribution to poverty reduction efforts. While immunisation comes with countless…

Evidence review
Access to Conventional Schooling for Children and Young People Affected by HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa: A Cross-National Review of Recent Research Evidence
This paper examines the evidence on access to conventional schooling for children and young people affected by HIV and AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa and makes recommendations for the further development of the SOFIE Project. The findings reveal the highly complex…

Background report
Childhood vaccination and society in The Gambia: public engagement with science and delivery
This paper examines public engagement with routine vaccination delivery, and vaccine trials and related medical research, in The Gambia. Its approach is rooted in social and medical anthropology and ethnographic methods, but combines insights from the sociology of scientific knowledge,…