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Search within Monkeypox

14 results found

Research paper

Diagnosis, treatment, and management of mpox in urban informal settlements in southwestern Nigeria: an ethnographic approach

This paper, based on an ethnographic study in southwestern Nigeria, seeks to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of not only the health care access barriers, but the complex geographical, economic, and sociocultural factors that shape how and when people…
BMC Public Health
Research paper

Mpox and the men who have sex with men (MSM) community in Nigeria: Exploratory insights from MSM and persons providing healthcare services to them

This paper explores mpox awareness, knowledge, and experiences among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Lagos, Nigeria, to provides insights to improve Nigeria's mpox response and inform similar public health efforts in Africa where MSM criminalisation complicates MSM…
Global Public Health
Research paper

Infrastructures of epidemic response: mpox and everyday repair work in southwestern Nigeria

This paper examines community-based surveillance and primary health care as intersecting infrastructures to draw learning from lived experiences of mpox and the response to the mpox outbreak in southwestern Nigeria during 2022-23.
Social Science & Medicine

Meeting report: Mpox and discrimination in African settings fr

This report summarises contributions from speakers and participants at a Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP)-organised online meeting to discuss mpox and discrimination issues in African settings, and operational responses to mpox that are contextually sensitive.
Question Bank

Mpox question bank: Qualitative questions for community-level data collection frpt

A Question Bank for use by field teams and local research teams working in communities with mpox transmission and those at risk of transmission with the aim of supporting the collection and use of consistent and high-quality social and behavioural…
Photo of a mother and her young child in treatment at the mpox isolation unit of the UNICEF-supported Kavumu hospital in South Kivu province, DR Congo.

Mpox, mining, and vulnerabilities of women and children in eastern DRC fr

This Key Considerations brief presents considerations for contextualising and responding to the mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, focusing on women and children living and working in artisanal and small-scale mining areas.

How can epidemic preparedness and response be improved in the Central and East African Borderlands? fr

This workshop report offers recommendations and reflects on discussions from a workshop attended by social scientists, policymakers, and humanitarian and public health practitioners from Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan that was facilitated and hosted by…

Risk communication and community engagement for mpox vaccination in Eastern DRC fr

This infographic summarises insights from the SSHAP briefing 'Key Considerations: Risk Communication and Community Engagement for Mpox in Eastern DRC', presenting social and political considerations for the design and implementation of vaccination-related risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) strategies.
Photo of the mpox isolation unit at the UNICEF-supported Kamanyola hospital in South Kivu province, DR Congo, on 23 July 2024.

Risk communication and community engagement for mpox vaccination in eastern DRC fr

This Key Considerations brief presents social and political considerations for the design and implementation of vaccination-related risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) strategies for mpox in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Mpox in Nigeria – lessons from diverse experiences

Lessons from the 2022 mpox public health emergency in Nigeria are documented in a comic illustrated by Tim Zocco, produced in collaboration with the research team which studied the outbreak.

Views of mpox in Nigeria

This photo story explores how mpox is felt and understood by different people in Nigeria – including those with symptoms, the wider community and healthcare workers.

Social dimensions of monkeypox: gaps and priority questions?

This presentation on the social dimensions of monkeypox was compiled by Hayley MacGregor and the WHO Social Science Technical Working Group for a meeting of the WHO R&D Roadmap.

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Curated collections of briefings, infographics, tools, blogs and other resources from SSHAP and other organisations working on social sciences in emergencies.