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Search within Post-conflict

75 results found

Past horrors, present struggles: the role of stigma in the association between war experiences and psychosocial adjustment among former child soldiers in Sierra Leone.

We examined the role of stigma (manifest in discrimination as well as lower levels of community and family acceptance) in the relationship between war-related experiences and psychosocial adjustment (depression, anxiety, hostility and adaptive behaviors).

How African civil wars hibernate: the warring communities of the Senegal / Guinea Bissau borderlands in the face of the Casamance forgotten civil war and the Bissau-Guinean state failure

This article focuses on the issue of how civil wars survive (post) conflict resolution and reconstruction policies at the edges of states through the local dynamics of cross-border areas.

Flexibility in return, reconstruction and livelihoods in displaced villages in Casamance, Senegal

The paper argues that livelihoods research in situations of violent conflict and its aftermath can contribute to geographical understandings of flexibility. Such settings paradoxically demand greater flexibility from economic actors while imposing new and sometimes severe constraints on them to…
Journal Article

War and peace: What’s the difference?

This article analyses the political and contextual differences between war and peace.
Journal Article

‘Who Can Sing the Song of MSF?’ The Politics of ‘Proximity’ and Performing Humanitarianism in Eastern DRC

This article explores the complexities of the brokerage work conducted by Congolese MSF staff working in a ‘field’ that is not a distant, liminal space, but their country (and region) of origin. They have complicated and heterogeneous political and social…
Journal Article

Motherhood and Social Repair after War and Displacement in Northern Uganda

This article considers the relationship between processes of return after mass displacement, and social repair. We look to the everyday as a space of negotiation and renegotiation of social relationships that make life meaningful. The article considers these propositions in…
Oxford University Press
Research Article

The humanitarian protectorate of South Sudan? Understanding insecurity for humanitarians in a political economy of aid

This paper contributes to debates about humanitarian governance and insecurity in post-conflict situations. Taking the case of South Sudan, it explores relations between humanitarian agencies, the international community, and local authorities, and how international and local forms of power become…
Cambridge University Press
Journal Article

A Reason Not to Belong: Political Decentralization, Intercommunal Relations, and Changing Identities in Northeastern Uganda

Based on oral history fieldwork in Abim, Meyerson documents these changes in sociopolitical identification among the Ethur. In doing so, he demonstrates how political decentralization has become a venue for the combination of international discourses of indigenous rights, national notions…
Cambridge University Press
Journal Article

Peace Starts with Peace of Mind: Study of the Intersection between Postconflict Trauma, Peacebuilding and Economic Development in Northern Uganda

This study examines an intervention implemented by TPO Uganda in northern Uganda addressing mental health challenges, conflict mediation and economic empowerment. The research consisted of 23 individual in-depth interviews and 16 focus group discussions, supported by a quantitative questionnaire completed…
Medknow Publications

One year after the coup: What Next for Sudan’s Juba Peace Agreement?

This briefing considers the changing political situation in Sudan with a particular focus on the future of the Juba Peace Agreement (JPA). It explores how the relationship between two key factions in the conflict has complicated the ongoing discussions around…

South Sudan: The price of war, the price of peace – a graphic story

In December 2013, South Sudan erupted into civil war as President Salva Kiir’s army battled rebel forces led by former Vice-President Riek Machar. Tens of thousands were killed and hundreds of thousands displaced. This cartoon tells the story of the…
Journal Article

Peace and the security sector in Sudan, 2002–11

This paper examines how contests over military control were played out during peace negotiations and in the implementation of agreements (including the manipulation or violation of the terms of agreements) in Sudan between 2002 and 2011. The cases examined are…
Taylor & Francis Online