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Search within Social History

4 results found


Language is a powerful weapon in the Israel-Palestine conflict

Ammara Maqsood and Amandas Ong describe how the terminology of the powerful too often trivialises war, dehumanises those who suffer and erases the past.
New Lines Magazine
Journal article

The anthropological rise of Palestine

This article traces the rise of anthropological scholarship on Palestine and/or Palestinians from 2011, providing a comprehensive bibliography of anthropological publications related to Palestine over that period.
Taylor & Francis Online

The attack on Gaza and the role of anthropologists

In this piece, Santiago Ripoll highlights the importance of anthropology and social theory when approaching the ongoing attack on Gaza.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute

The ‘real politics’ of taxation in post-revolutionary Sudan

Matthew Benson and, Raga Makawi describe Sudan's tax system and plans to search for domestic tax revenue to respond to economic, political and social uncertainty.
London School of Economics