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Search within Traditional Healing

4 results found

Research paper

Dirty Things: Spiritual Pollution and Life after the Lord’s Resistance Army

Drawing on insights gleaned from ethnographic fieldwork over the last decade, we focus here on targeted research from January to August 2014 with former LRA individuals who were part of a bigger study of clients at an ex-combatant reception centre.…
Research paper

Justice at the Margins: Witches, Poisoners, and Social Accountability in Northern Uganda

Recent responses to people alleged to be ‘witches’ or ‘poisoners’ among the Madi of northern Uganda are compared with those of the 1980s. From 2006, a democratic system for dealing with suspects was introduced, whereby those receiving the highest number…
Research paper

Quests for Therapy in Northern Uganda: Healing at Laropi Revisited

This article presents a case of diachronic ethnography. It examines quests for therapy among the Madi people of northern Uganda. It is based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out in and around the small trading centre of Laropi; originally in the…
Research paper

Authority that is customary: Kitawala, customary chiefs, and the plurality of power in Congolese history

This paper uses the history of the religious/healing movement Kitawala in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a lens to explore the relationship between forms of state-sanctioned “customary” authority and alternative nodes of “authority that is customary.” Focusing on three…

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