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Search within War

48 results found


Female genital mutilation among Sudanese displaced populations in Egypt ar

A Key Considerations brief considering the drivers and dynamics of FGM practices in the context of forced displacement to inform culturally sensitive strategies for FGM prevention and response.

Mutual aid lessons and experiences from Emergency Response Rooms in Sudan arfr

A Key Considerations brief based on the first case study of the volunteer networks known as Emergency Response Rooms, conducted June to August 2024.

Alleviating chronic food insecurity in South Sudan arfr

This infographic summarises the Key Considerations briefing on responding to food insecurity in South Sudan, highlighting the importance of investment in agriculture and livelihoods, market access and infrastructure, and promoting sustainable peace.

Scarcity and fear: A gender analysis of the impact of the war in Gaza on vital services essential to women’s and girls’ health, safety, and dignity – water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH)

One in a series of UN Women gender alerts begun at the start of the war in Gaza, this one focusing on WASH services.
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

Gaza is not a humanitarian crisis: on self-defence, depoliticising language, and contextualisation

A 'Public Anthropologist' blog by Heidi Mogstad, a researcher for the 'War and Fun: Reconceptualizing Warfare and Its Experience' research project.

Why ‘Framing Gaza’?

Allegra essayists write that the facts of war can no longer be disputed; instead, what is at stake is how violence and harm are framed.
Allegra Lab
Research paper

Health in the crossfire – Analyzing and mitigating the multifaceted health risks of the 2023 war on Gaza

This paper examines the multifaceted and escalating health risks associated with the ongoing war in Gaza, employing a systems thinking approach to understand and address these complex challenges.
Public Health Research
Research paper

Mitigating risks of slow children development due to war on Gaza 2023

This paper explores multifaceted approaches to mitigate severe risks to children's physical, cognitive, emotional and social development, emphasising the need for comprehensive support systems for children in conflict zones.
International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Research paper

Children on the Gaza-Israel border: Victims of war

This commentary highlights the impact of armed conflict on children at the Gaza-Israel border.
Public Health Reviews

Alleviating chronic food insecurity in South Sudan arfr

This Key Considerations brief analyses the causes of food insecurity in South Sudan and the responses by government and non-government actors and partners, and offers considerations for these actors to support ending food insecurity, especially via bolstering agriculture and livelihoods.
Research paper

Psychosocial concerns in a context of prolonged political oppression: Gaza mental health providers’ perceptions

This qualitative exploratory study investigated the perspectives of mental health providers in Gaza regarding the primary concerns of their clients who are exposed to low-intensity warfare and structural violence.
McGill University
Research paper

Coping with trauma and adversity among Palestinians in the Gaza Strip: A qualitative, culture-informed analysis

In this article, the authors propose that coping is not only an individual property but also a structural feature.
Journal of Health Psychology

Find emergency response resources

Curated collections of briefings, infographics, tools, blogs and other resources from SSHAP and other organisations working on social sciences in emergencies.