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Search within Environment and climate

60 results found

Journal Article

Climate Change and Young People in Uganda: A Literature Review

The review findings suggest the need for substantial youth informed interventions to bolster young people’s economic resilience and adaptive capacity given the worsening climate change and prolonged population growth.
SAGE Publications
Journal Article

Climate change and variability: a review of what is known and ought to be known for Uganda

This review of scientific research findings aims to create a better understanding of the recent climate change and variability in Uganda and provides a baseline of summarized information for use in future research and actions.
Emerald Publishing
Journal Article

How Seasonality and Weather affect Perinatal Health: Comparing the Experiences of indigenous and Non-Indigenous Mothers in Kanungu District, Uganda

Maternal and newborn health disparities and impacts of climate change present grand challenges for global health equity, and there remain knowledge gaps on how these challenges intersect. This study examines how mothers are affected by seasonal and meteorological factors in…
Background Reports

Building Climate Resilience in Fragile Contexts: Key Findings of BRACED Research in South Sudan

This paper is a synthesis of key findings from research undertaken with the BRACED research portfolio which aimed to influence and strengthen the delivery of BRACED programming in South Sudan and national and subnational climate related programming in the future.…

MONUSCO’s Mandate and the Climate Security Nexus

If we translate the debate on the climate security nexus to a more operational level, we inevitably arrive at the question of whether and to what extent the fight against climate change should be included in the mandate of current…
Journal Article

From crisis to context: Reviewing the future of sustainable charcoal in Africa

Is charcoal a sustainable energy source in Africa? This is a crucial question, given charcoal’s key importance to urban energy. In today’s dominant policy narrative – the charcoal-crisis narrative – charcoal is deemed incompatible with sustainable and modern energy, blamed…
Science Direct
Background Reports

‘Drought as War’ in Northern Uganda: Exploring the Complex Relationship Between Climate Change, Scarcity, and Conflict

That climate change will increase the incidence of violent conflict is a common claim made by both policymakers and climate change activists. I aim to question and critique the simplistic assertion that climate change will cause increased violent conflict, showing…
Institute of Development Studies
Book Chapter

From violent conflict to slow violence: climate change and post-conflict recovery in Karamoja, Uganda

In literature examining climate change as a potential factor in violent conflict, violence is generally conceived as a readily-apparent, time-bound event. Conversely, the ontologies of slow violence emphasize the insidious ways in which environmental change can, itself, impart violence. This…
Edward Elgar Publishing
Journal Article

Charcoal power: The political violence of non-fossil fuel in Uganda

Charcoal is important in Africa due to its centrality to urbanization. Despite this, the politics of charcoal remain largely unexplored. This article asks how political power shapes charcoal production and how charcoal as an energy source shapes political power through…
Science Direct
Journal Article

From disaster to devastation: drought as war in northern Uganda

This paper proposes a shift from the concept of disaster to one of devastation when dealing with the destructive consequences of climate change. It argues that today, a discourse of climate-change disaster has become dominant, in which present disasters are…
Wiley Online Library
News Article

Borders areas should be used, not feared, in pandemic responses

This report moves beyond abstract assumptions and global-level debates to understand the reality of the struggles and strategies of local and national organisations during complex emergencies. We focus on the histories, politicoeconomic dynamics and everyday realities of South Sudanese NGOs…
Journal Article

The counterinsurgency/conservation nexus: guerrilla livelihoods and the dynamics of conflict and violence in the Virunga National Park, Democratic Republic of the Congo

The growing militarisation of nature conservation has refocused attention on the relations between counterinsurgency and conservation. This contribution analyses how these two phenomena entwine in the Virunga National Park, located in the war-ridden east of the Democratic Republic of the…
Taylor & Francis Online