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Search within Central and Eastern Europe

15 results found

UNICEF Ethiopia/2017/Zerihun Sewunet
Research paper

COVID-19 and pastoralism: reflections from three continents

How have COVID-19 disease control measures affected mobility and production practices, marketing opportunities, land control, labour relations, local community support and socio-political relations with the state and other settled agrarian or urban populations? This article reflects on five diverse cases…
Background report

Stakeholders’ Perception on National Heatwave Plans and their Local Implementation in Belgium and The Netherlands

National heatwave plans are aimed at reducing the avoidable human health consequences due to heatwaves, by providing warnings as well as improving communication between relevant stakeholders. The objective of this study was to assess the perceptions of key stakeholders within…
Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health
Evidence review

MMR Mobilisation: Citizens and Science in a British Vaccine Controversy

This paper examines the controversy over measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine in Britain through the lenses of social movement theory and social studies of science. Since the early 1990s, networks of parents have raised, and mobilised around, concerns that…

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Curated collections of briefings, infographics, tools, blogs and other resources from SSHAP and other organisations working on social sciences in emergencies.