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Search within West and Central Africa

500 results found

Journal Article

The Politics of the Second Vaccine: Debates Surrounding Ebola Vaccine Trials in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo

Two experimental Ebola vaccines were deployed during the tenth Ebola epidemic (2018–20) in the DRC. International debate ensued about the value and ethics of testing a second vaccine in an epidemic context. This article examines how this debate unfolded among…
Journal Article

Humanitarian Fables: Morals, Meanings and Consequences for Humanitarian Practice

This article describes how events are turned into fables in humanitarian organisations. It explores how these fables circulate, the lessons they come to embody and their influence in maintaining an organisational status quo. The article argues that such stories teach…
Journal Article

Humanitarian Shapeshifting: Navigation, Brokerage and Access in Eastern DR Congo

This article examines the experience of Congolese humanitarians negotiating access with armed groups in eastern DRC. It describes how humanitarians become shapeshifters: they play different roles for different audiences as a tactic of social navigation in a context of uncertainty.…
Journal Article

From Rebel to Humanitarian: Military Savoir Faire and Humanitarian Practice in Eastern DR Congo

This article explores the experience of ex-rebels who have become humanitarians in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. It describes how rebel-cum-humanitarians navigate a turbulent political environment, integrating the knowledge they acquired through military experience into a career in…
Background Reports

Guidance for Applied Cross-National Research in Under-Resourced Countries: Lessons from a Gender-Based Violence Intervention in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Via a personal account of our experiences in conducting a study on a gender-based violence intervention in Congo, we share our lessons and offer recommendations (e.g., using multiple methodologies) for conducting applied cross-national research. We hope that as a result…
Journal Article

Borderlands, Identity and Urban Development: The Case of Goma (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

This paper challenges traditional studies that explore border sites from a central or capital city perspective. Focusing on expressions of identity in the border city of Goma, it illustrates how the struggle for political, social and economic control affects local…

The story of Kitchanga: Spatial politics of presence, refuge and return in North Kivu, Eastern DRCongo

In the Kivu provinces of the Eastern Congo, permanent semi-urban towns emerge from the protracted presence of refugees and internally displaced persons. Using the example of Kitchanga in North Kivu, Gillian Mathys and Karen Büscher (Ghent University) show the importance…
Journal Article

‘The data is gold, and we are the gold-diggers’: whiteness, race and contemporary academic research in eastern DRC ‘Les données, c’est de l’or, et nous sommes les chercheurs d’or’: la blanchité, la race et la recherche universitaire contemporaine dans l’est de la RDC

The humanitarian and development industry in eastern DRC and the demand for qualitative and quantitative research accompanying it have created a novel political economy of academic research. An array of research associations and private data collection firms have emerged to…
Book Chapter

Taxation, Stateness and Armed Groups: Public Authority and Resource Extraction in Eastern Congo

This contribution analyses the role of taxation in the constitution of authority in the conflict-ridden eastern DRC, where numerous authorities alternately compete and collude over the right to extract resources. Taxation ranges from simple plunder, to protection rackets, to material…
Background Reports

Contesting Authority: Armed rebellion and military fragmentation in Walikale and Kalehe, North and South Kivu

Eastern DRC continues to be plagued by violence and dozens of armed groups. Yet, these groups—and how they interact with their social and political environment—remain poorly understood. This report analyses their involvement in public life in the territories of Kalehe…
Background Reports

South Kivu: identity, territory, and power in the eastern Congo. Usalama Project Report: Understanding Congolese Armed Groups

This report outlines the historical dynamics behind the armed movements in South Kivu, focusing on the period before and leading up to the First Congo War. It concentrates on sources of local conflict but argues that these can only be…

Ethnogovernmentality: The Making of Ethnic Territories and Subjects in Eastern Congo

In this article I investigate colonial constructions of ethnicity and territory and their effects in the post-independence period in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The core argument of the article is that the constructions of ethnicity and territory that…