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Search within COVID-19, Resources

209 results found

Research paper

Covid-19 Riskscapes: Viral Risk Perceptions in the African Great Lakes

In this article we explore Covid-19 riskscapes across the African Great Lakes region. Drawing on fieldwork across Uganda and Malawi, our analysis centers around how two mobile, trans-border figures – truck drivers and migrant traders – came to be understood…
Taylor & Francis Online

The view from Gulu on Uganda’s food distribution and corona-politics

When presidential, parliamentary and local elections were slated for early 2021, the politicisation of COVID-19 food distribution was being widely discussed. In Gulu, the effects of the pandemic were felt sharply amongst those reliant on food relief. The central government’s…
London School of Economics

Food distribution and corona-politics in Uganda: the view from Kampala

Ahead of presidential, parliamentary and local elections planned for 2021, urban food relief distribution in Uganda became politicised as people struggled under COVID-19 lockdown measures. As narratives of ‘liberation’ resurfaced amid the government’s health response, the securitisation of corona-politics further…
London School of Economics
Research paper

Negotiating Intersecting Precarities: COVID-19, Pandemic Preparedness and Response in Africa

This article shares findings on COVID-19 in Africa across 2020 to examine concepts and practices of epidemic preparedness and response. Amidst uncertainties about the trajectory of COVID-19, the stages of emergency response emerge in practice as interconnected. We illustrate how…
Institute of Development Studies
Research paper

Epidemics and the Military: Responding to COVID-19 in Uganda

The UN Security Council’s response to Ebola in 2014 legitimised militarised responses. It also influenced responses to COVID-19 in some African countries. Yet, little is known about the day-to-day impacts for ordinary citizens of mobilising armies for epidemic control. Drawing…
Science Direct
Research paper

Prevention of COVID-19 in Internally Displaced Persons Camps in War-Torn North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo: A Mixed-Methods Study

Congolese internally displaced persons (IDPs) had high awareness and fear of COVID-19, but low specific knowledge. IDPs face major barriers to implementing COVID-19 prevention measures: crowded shelters, frequent movements in and out of the camp for work, and lack of…
Global Health: Science and Practice
Research paper

“Are You Sure It’s Not the Corona Vaccine?” An Ebola Vaccine Trial During COVID-19 in DRC

The COVID-19 pandemic began as an Ebola epidemic was unfolding in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In this article, we examine how COVID-19 influenced experiences of an Ebola vaccine trial and attitudes towards medical research in Goma. First, critical…
Taylor & Francis Online

(De) Masqué : Ruse, Résilience Et Résistance – La Controverse D’une Mesure COVID-19 fr

Depuis Février 2020, le monde est confronté au coronavirus (COVID-19) dont les premiers cas s’étaient déclarés dans la ville de Wuhan en Chine en novembre 2019. L’avènement de la COVID-19, sa propagation et le nombre croissant des morts (à ce…
Angaza Institute

Covid-19 : De La Crise De Communication Au Déni De La Crise En République Démocratique Du Congo fr

Le covid-19 est une maladie dangereuse. Mais la communication au sujet du covid-19 peut être plus dangereuse si elle n’est pas cohérente. D’une part, une communication dramatique peut inutilement entraîner ou aggraver la psychose et un stress généralisé. D’autre part,…
Angaza Institute

Angaza COVID-19 Series : Penser La Riposte Sur Les Leçons Apprises Du Passé fr

La République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) a une longue expérience de gestion des épidémies. Plusieurs recherches indiquent que les approches de contrôles de l’épidémie Ebola et la pandémie de Covid-19 sont presque les mêmes. Récemment, l’expérience acquise dans la lutte…
Angaza Institute

Angaza Covid-19 Series : Mesures Coercitives & Engagement Collectif Contre La COVID-19 fr

Pour barrer la route à la Covid-19, des mesures drastiques ont été prises par les autorités publiques de la RDC et du Sud-Kivu en particulier. Cependant malgré ces mesures et l’expansion de la pandémie, la grande majorité de la population…
Angaza Institute

Angaza COVID-19 Series : Mimétisme Occidentalo-Centré De La Riposte Contre La COVID-19 Au Sud Kivu, RDC fr

Portant sur le mimétisme occidentalo-centré et ses implications sur les politiques provinciales de la riposte contre la COVID 19 en Milieu rural au Sud Kivu, RDC, cette analyse s’inspire du modèle centre et périphéries, selon lequel, il existe un centre…
Angaza Institute

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