The RQA Training Resource Pack is a 10-module training, with all materials available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese, which can be facilitated across five days by trained facilitators. The objective of the training is to contribute to more effective and community-centred responses by strengthening systems for the utilisation of community data in emergency response by MOH, government and partners.

Training Objectives

•To build implementing partner capacity to develop and implement rapid qualitative assessments to better understand community perspectives & needs.
•To increase and enhance knowledge regarding quantitative and qualitative approaches to generating data to inform emergency response, including RQAs and CFMs
•To advocate for the prioritisation of the collection and utilisation of community data across all pillars of emergency response.
•To provide a training package which can be used to strengthen community data use

Module 1 Introduction to Risk Communication and Community Engagement
Module 2 Evidence Synthesis for Informed Decision-Making
Module 3 Effective Data Collection Techniques
Module 4 Identifying and Engaging Data Collection Participants
Module 5 Reflective Debriefing Techniques
Module 6 Field Exercise Preparation
Module 7 Field Exercise Execution and Reflection
Module 8 Coding and Thematic Analysis of Qualitative Data
Module 9 Analyzing Community Feedback
Module 10 Transforming Research into Actionable Recommendations

This was created by Ginger Johnson on behalf of SSHAP for the Collective Service. The Collective Service is a partnership between the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), and as well as key stakeholders from the public health and humanitarian sectors.