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1349 results found


Key Considerations: Alleviating Chronic Food Insecurity in South Sudan

This infographic summarises key considerations from a SSHAP brief on responding to food insecurity in South Sudan authored by Tong Anei and Leben Moro. The infographic highlights the importance of investing in agriculture and livelihoods, enhancing market access and infrastructure, and…

Key Considerations: Risk Communication and Community Engagement for Mpox Vaccination in Eastern DRC fr

This brief presents social and political considerations for the design and implementation of vaccination-related risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) strategies for mpox in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). A nationwide outbreak of mpox (clade I) was…

SSHAP West Africa Hub: Health Emergency Cycles and Social Context in West Africa fr

The SSHAP West Africa Hub brings together academics, humanitarian responders and public health practitioners primarily working in Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone to explore socio-political and historical issues shaping crises, with the intention of enhancing national and humanitarian programmes seeking…

Roundtable Report: Discussion on mpox in DRC and Social Science Considerations for Operational Response fr

On 28 May 2024, the Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP) organised a roundtable discussion on the mpox (formerly known as monkeypox) outbreak which has been spreading in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) since early 2023.1 The…

Scarcity and Fear: A Gender Analysis of the Impact of the War in Gaza on Vital Services Essential to Women’s and Girls’ Health, Safety, and Dignity – Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

Since the start of the war in Gaza, UN Women has been documenting the experiences of women in Gaza in a series of gender alerts that look at various aspects of how the war is impacting the daily lives of…
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

Gaza is not a humanitarian crisis: on self-defence, depoliticising language, and contextualisation

On Thursday evening October 26, EU member states finally agreed to a formal declaration calling for ‘humanitarian corridors and pauses’ of the shelling in Gaza. The declaration also expressed concerns for the ‘deteriorating humanitarian situation.’ While some have celebrated this…

Why ‘Framing Gaza’?

There has never been a better documented war than the one unfolding in Palestine at the moment. As Elshaik, Martinez and Shaer write in their contribution to Allegra’s Framing Gaza thread: “Daily, images, videos and voice notes proliferate faster than they can be…
Allegra Lab
Journal Article

Health in the Crossfire – Analyzing and Mitigating the Multifaceted Health Risks of the 2023 War on Gaza

Analysis of health-related risks of the war 2023 on Gaza is becoming essential as it goes beyond the physical and mental health impacts. This paper examines the multifaceted and escalating health risks associated with the ongoing war in Gaza, employing…
Public Health Research
Journal Article

Mitigating Risks of Slow Children Development Due to War on Gaza 2023

The 2023 War on Gaza has inflicted significant hardships on children, posing severe risks to their physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. This paper explores multifaceted approaches to mitigate these developmental risks, emphasizing the need for comprehensive support systems for…
International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Journal Article

Children on the Gaza-Israel Border: Victims of War

This commentary in the journal Public Health Reviews highlights the impact of armed conflict on children at the Gaza-Israel border.
Public Health Reviews

Key Considerations: Alleviating Chronic Food Insecurity in South Sudan arfr

The Republic of South Sudan has experienced chronic food insecurity for decades and particularly in the last five years. This chronic food insecurity is a result of a combination of factors, including protracted conflicts, socio-economic fragility, lack of infrastructure, climate…

Key Considerations: Effective Vaccine Rollout and Uptake in Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone received its first shipment of 550,000 malaria vaccines in December 2023, marking a milestone for public health in a country that sees over two million hospital visits for malaria annually.1 Over the last 20 years, routine childhood vaccination…