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1423 results found

Research paper

Diagnosis, treatment, and management of mpox in urban informal settlements in southwestern Nigeria: an ethnographic approach

This paper, based on an ethnographic study in southwestern Nigeria, seeks to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of not only the health care access barriers, but the complex geographical, economic, and sociocultural factors that shape how and when people…
BMC Public Health
Research paper

Mpox and the men who have sex with men (MSM) community in Nigeria: Exploratory insights from MSM and persons providing healthcare services to them

This paper explores mpox awareness, knowledge, and experiences among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Lagos, Nigeria, to provides insights to improve Nigeria's mpox response and inform similar public health efforts in Africa where MSM criminalisation complicates MSM…
Global Public Health
Research paper

Infrastructures of epidemic response: mpox and everyday repair work in southwestern Nigeria

This paper examines community-based surveillance and primary health care as intersecting infrastructures to draw learning from lived experiences of mpox and the response to the mpox outbreak in southwestern Nigeria during 2022-23.
Social Science & Medicine

Mapping community engagement tools for vaccination in LMIC settings

This resource, which maps and characterises community engagement tools used for vaccination in low and middle income settings, is the results of a study from the Pulse project.
Université de Genève
Question Bank

Viral haemorrhagic fevers question bank

This Question Bank is relevant to outbreaks where person-to-person transmission has been identified as a significant contributor to the spread of the outbreak and where patient experiences of care must be understood for a community-centred response.

Rapid qualitative assessment training – 10 modules in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese

This training aims to contribute to more effective and community-centred responses by strengthening systems for the utilisation of community data in emergency response by ministries of health, government and partners.
Collective Service

Post-trauma impacts in conflict-affected communities in northern Nigeria

This Key Considerations brief compares the biomedical framing of post-traumatic stress disorder with the social science understanding of the drivers of and possible solutions for mental health impacts of trauma.

Addressing the kush epidemic in Sierra Leone

This Key Considerations brief contextualises and provides insight into an epidemic which is symptomatic of deeper, long-standing issues which require sustained and comprehensive solutions beyond immediate emergency measures.

Female genital mutilation among Sudanese displaced populations in Egypt ar

A Key Considerations brief considering the drivers and dynamics of FGM practices in the context of forced displacement to inform culturally sensitive strategies for FGM prevention and response.

Mutual aid lessons and experiences from Emergency Response Rooms in Sudan arfr

A Key Considerations brief based on the first case study of the volunteer networks known as Emergency Response Rooms, conducted June to August 2024.

Humanitarian responses to famine and war in Sudan ar

This Key Considerations brief offers key information about the background to the civil war in Sudan, responses to the humanitarian crisis and reasons why relief has been inadequate, setting out opportunities to push against the obstacles or constraints to relief.

Find emergency response resources

Curated collections of briefings, infographics, tools, blogs and other resources from SSHAP and other organisations working on social sciences in emergencies.