Search within Rwanda
4 results found
Outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Rwanda, October 2024 frsw
Key Considerations regarding the outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Rwanda, including national response capabilities, local governance structures, and regional and economic implications.
Research paper
The ‘good life’, personal appearance, and mental health of Congolese refugees in Rwanda and Uganda
Research into mental health and wellbeing recognises the role of positive mental health to enable people to lead healthy and emotionally fulfilling lives. Mental health difficulties continue to be associated with high levels of disability worldwide, and refugees fleeing conflict…
Cross-border dynamics between Uganda and Rwanda in the context of the outbreak of Ebola, 2022
This Key Considerations brief summarises cross-border dynamics between Uganda and Rwanda in the context of the 2022 outbreak of Ebola (Sudan virus disease, SVD) in Uganda.

Rwanda – DRC cross border dynamics fr
This Key Considerations brief concerns cross-border dynamics between Rwanda and DRC, including cross-border relations and political and economic dynamics.