Central and East Africa Hub
About this hub

The Central and East Africa hub brings together academics, humanitarian responders and public health practitioners primarily working in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan and Uganda. Our work focuses on current and protracted crises relating to conflict, forced displacement, food insecurity, livelihoods, the environment, health and disease outbreaks. Particular emphasis is given to foregrounding socio-political and historical issues shaping crises, with the intention of enhancing national and humanitarian programmes seeking to reach vulnerable groups.
Featured Items
Ebola (Sudan strain) outbreak in Uganda
On 30 January 2025, the Uganda Ministry of Health confirmed a case of Sudan Ebola virus disease in the capital, Kampala. This is the eighth Ebola outbreak in Uganda. Explore resources created by SSHAP and others on social science dimensions of the response.
24 selected resources
Sudan crisis
Articles, blogs and news on the dynamics underpinning recent events.
32 selected resources
Key Hub Resources
Mutual aid lessons and experiences from Emergency Response Rooms in Sudan
A Key Considerations brief based on the first case study of the volunteer networks known as Emergency Response Rooms, conducted June to August 2024.
Humanitarian responses to famine and war in Sudan
This Key Considerations brief offers key information about the background to the civil war in Sudan, responses to the humanitarian crisis and reasons why relief has been inadequate, setting out…
Food assistance prioritisation in refugee settlements in Uganda and its impacts
This brief considers the humanitarian and policy implications of the general food and cash assistance prioritisation strategy in Uganda’s refugee settlements.
Outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Rwanda, October 2024
Key Considerations regarding the outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Rwanda, including national response capabilities, local governance structures, and regional and economic implications.
Meeting report: Mpox and discrimination in African settings
This report summarises contributions from speakers and participants at a Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP)-organised online meeting to discuss mpox and discrimination issues in African settings, and operational…
Balancing epidemic preparedness and response with humanitarian protection in Ugandan refugee settlements
This brief presents considerations for preparedness and response, focusing on refugee settlements in north Uganda and drawing on ethnographic data collected during COVID-19.
Risk communication and community engagement for mpox vaccination in Eastern DRC
This infographic summarises insights from the SSHAP briefing 'Key Considerations: Risk Communication and Community Engagement for Mpox in Eastern DRC', presenting social and political considerations for the design and implementation…
Alleviating chronic food insecurity in South Sudan
This infographic summarises the Key Considerations briefing on responding to food insecurity in South Sudan, highlighting the importance of investment in agriculture and livelihoods, market access and infrastructure, and promoting…
Central and East Africa Hub Partners
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