Hub pour l’Afrique centrale et l’Est

À propos de ce hub

Le hub pour l’Afrique centrale et l’Est rassemble des chercheurs, des intervenants humanitaires et des professionnels de la santé publique qui œuvrent principalement au République démocratique du Congo, République du Soudan du Sud République d’Ouganda afin d’étudier les enjeux sociopolitiques et historiques liés aux crises. L’objectif est de renforcer les programmes nationaux et humanitaires visant à atteindre les groupes vulnérables. Nos travaux sont axés sur les crises actuelles et de longue durée liées aux conflits, aux déplacements forcés, à l’insécurité alimentaire, aux moyens de subsistance, à l’environnement, à la santé et aux flambées épidémiques.


Conflits et consolidation de la paix


Déplacements et protection humanitaire


Environnement et climat


Préparation et réponse aux épidémies


Sécurité alimentaire et moyens de subsistance


Santé, bien-être et soins


Documents stratégiques clés du Hub

Policy Document

Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report South Sudan

This Situation Report from the WHO on South Sudan offers an overview of the humanitarian situation in January 2023, including the state of measles transmission and vaccination response, Covid-19 vaccination,…
Central and East Africa Hub
WHO South Sudan Country Office
Policy Document

Uganda National Technical Guidelines for IDSR, Third Edition

Uganda Ministry of Health National Technical Guidelines for Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response, Third Edition (September 2021). These official guidelines set out the Government of Uganda’s policies and strategy concerning…
Central and East Africa Hub
Policy Document

Plan Strategique National de Developpement des Services de Laboratoire de Sante 2021-25

The national strategic plan for developing health laboratory services, from 2021 to 2025, focusing in particular on: improving the delivery of laboratory services, supporting the different pillars of laboratory services,…
Central and East Africa Hub
Republique Democratique Du Congo - Ministere De La Sante Publique, Hygiene Et Prevention
Policy Document

Uganda Health Sector Integrated Refugee Response Plan 2019-2024

Written by the Ugandan Ministry of Health, the Health Sector Integrated Refugee Response Plan sets out policies for supplementing service delivery in refugee-hosting communities, to meet the needs of everyone…
Central and East Africa Hub
Policy Document

Republic of South Sudan National Health Policy 2016-2026

Written by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of South Sudan, the National Health Policy 2016-2026 puts forth new paradigms for health service delivery, health financing, strategic information, leadership…
Central and East Africa Hub
Ministry of Health, South Sudan
Policy Document

Strategic Response Plan For The Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak In The Provinces Of North Kivu And Ituri Democratic Republic Of The Congo July – December 2019

This document sets out the Ministry of Health’s strategic response to the Ebola Virus outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri provinces in 2019. Taking into account the impact of insecurity…
Central and East Africa Hub
Policy Document

National Action Plan for Health Security, Republic of South Sudan

This National Action Plan for Health Security from the Republic of South Sudan details the country’s health security strategy for 2020-2024 including annual reporting, after action reviews, joint external evaluations,…
Central and East Africa Hub
Republic of South Sudan
Policy Document

The Public Health Act, Uganda

The legal basis for public health state action, originally passed in 1935.
Central and East Africa Hub

Partenaires du Hub pour l’Afrique centrale et l’Est

Gulu University

University of Juba

Le Groupe d’Etudes sur les Conflits et la Sécurité Humaine (GEC-SH)

Uganda Virus Research Institute

Institute of Development Studies


London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

LSE Firoz Lalji Institute for Africa

Ghent University

University of Bath

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