Search within Famine
4 results found
Famine expert Alex de Waal on Israel’s starvation of Gaza
‘The responsibility for that lies overwhelmingly with Israel. It will have to pay not only financially but morally and legally as well.’
Journal Article
A Disaster for Whom?: Local Interests and International Donors During Famine Among the Dinka of Sudan
The 1985–88 famine amongst the Dinka is described and shown to have been rooted in the long term exploitation of the south by northern Sudanese and international interests. This process of exploitation served, and continues to serve, important functions for…
Background Reports
Food Security and Nutrition Vulnerability and Risk Analysis in Former Warrap and Northern Bahr el Ghazal States
The trends reported in the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) show a growing food security crisis in South Sudan, with a high proportion of people sliding into crisis in almost all parts of the country, with millions of people,…
Background Reports
Chiefs’ Courts, Hunger, and Improving Humanitarian Programming in South Sudan
South Sudan has seen the most frequent reporting of localised famine conditions globally between 2013-2020, on average at least one pocket of famine conditions every two months. Focusing on identified famines, however, masks a broader and even more frequent issue…