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Search within Food Security

11 results found


Trapped: The impact of 15 years of blockade on the mental health of Gaza’s children

In the past decade and a half, children in Gaza have endured six life-threatening situations – five escalations in violence and a pandemic – as well as a life-limiting land, air and sea blockade imposed by the Government of Israel…
Save the Children

Famine expert Alex de Waal on Israel’s starvation of Gaza

‘The responsibility for that lies overwhelmingly with Israel. It will have to pay not only financially but morally and legally as well.’
The New Humanitarian
Background Reports

War in the Gaza Strip: Public Health Situation Analysis

The current public health situation analysis (PHSA) concerns the population living within the Gaza Strip and affected by the acute emergency resulting from large-scale military operations by Israel and Hamas.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Information Preparedness and Community Engagement for El Niño in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region frptes

El Niño can be viewed as a multi-hazard event, and considerations for information needs cut across different populations and risks, including direct weather-related hazards, reduced agricultural production, greater food insecurity and malnutrition, increased transmission of infectious diseases and effects on…
Journal Article

Capitalizing Community: Waste, Wealth, and (Im)Material Labor in Kampal

Biomass briquettes have emerged as a development silver bullet, supposedly converting waste to wealth and tackling crises of unemployment, urban waste management, and rural deforestation. Briquettes have captured the imagination of international environmental NGOs operating in many African cities who…
Background Reports

Chiefs’ Courts, Hunger, and Improving Humanitarian Programming in South Sudan

South Sudan has seen the most frequent reporting of localised famine conditions globally between 2013-2020, on average at least one pocket of famine conditions every two months. Focusing on identified famines, however, masks a broader and even more frequent issue…

Roundtable Report: Health and Food Insecurity Crisis in the Greater Horn of Africa. Session 1 – Regional Focus. September 2022

SSHAP convened and hosted a virtual roundtable discussion with partners engaged at the regional level response of the health and food insecurity crisis in the Greater Horn of Africa region. The objective was to discuss the critical needs for the…

Key Considerations: Supporting Better Governance of Flood Relief Efforts in Pakistan

The 2022 Pakistan Floods are a climate change disaster. Getting the governance of disaster and crisis management right is critical for relief, rehabilitation, and recovery and to prepare for future climate emergencies. This SSHAP brief highlight 5 actions to tackle…

Key Considerations: Social Science Perspectives for Emergency Response to the Conflict in Northern Ethiopia am

Ethiopia is currently experiencing several intersecting humanitarian crises including conflict, climatic shocks, COVID-19, desert locust infestation and more, affecting nearly 30 million people. This brief outlines important contextual factors and social impacts of the Northern Ethiopian crisis and offers key…

Tackling language-based exclusion in the Horn of Africa hunger crisis: Lessons from Somalia

Facing the worst droughts in over 40 years, more than 37 million people in the Horn of Africa are experiencing acute hunger. They need urgent humanitarian aid – healthcare, food, water supplies, and lifesaving information in the right language. CLEAR…

Key Considerations: Supporting ‘Wheat-to-Bread’ Systems in Fragmented Syria

Humanitarian agencies working in Syria, as well as other experts, have warned the food crisis could rapidly lead to famine unless immediately addressed. This brief describes the social and political dimensions of food insecurity in Syria. It provides insights into…