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4 results found
Alleviating Chronic Food Insecurity in South Sudan
This infographic summarises key considerations from a SSHAP brief on responding to food insecurity in South Sudan, highlighting the importance of investing in agriculture and livelihoods, enhancing market access and infrastructure, and promoting sustainable peace, all in inclusive and nutrition-sensitive…
Alleviating chronic food insecurity in South Sudan arfr
This Key Considerations brief analyses the causes of food insecurity in South Sudan and the responses by government and non-government actors and partners, and offers considerations for these actors to support ending food insecurity, especially via bolstering agriculture and livelihoods.
Journal article
The anthropological rise of Palestine
This article traces the rise of anthropological scholarship on Palestine and/or Palestinians from 2011, providing a comprehensive bibliography of anthropological publications related to Palestine over that period.
The attack on Gaza and the role of anthropologists
In this piece, Santiago Ripoll highlights the importance of anthropology and social theory when approaching the ongoing attack on Gaza.