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Search within Children

28 results found

Photo of a mother and her young child in treatment at the mpox isolation unit of the UNICEF-supported Kavumu hospital in South Kivu province, DR Congo.

Mpox, mining, and vulnerabilities of women and children in eastern DRC fr

This Key Considerations brief presents considerations for contextualising and responding to the mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, focusing on women and children living and working in artisanal and small-scale mining areas.
Journal article

Health in the crossfire – Analyzing and mitigating the multifaceted health risks of the 2023 war on Gaza

This paper examines the multifaceted and escalating health risks associated with the ongoing war in Gaza, employing a systems thinking approach to understand and address these complex challenges.
Public Health Research
Journal article

Mitigating risks of slow children development due to war on Gaza 2023

This paper explores multifaceted approaches to mitigate severe risks to children's physical, cognitive, emotional and social development, emphasising the need for comprehensive support systems for children in conflict zones.
International Journal of Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
Journal article

Children on the Gaza-Israel border: Victims of war

This commentary highlights the impact of armed conflict on children at the Gaza-Israel border.
Public Health Reviews

Child engagement in the context of disease outbreaks in Eastern and Southern Africa

This infographic, in Arabic, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Swahili as well as English, summarises insights from a recent key considerations brief exploring why, when and how to engage children in the prevention, response and recovery stages of disease outbreak in…

A Palestinian poet’s perilous journey out of Gaza ar

A 'letter from Gaza' from Mosab Abu Toha, who fled his home with his wife and three children, before the IDF soldiers took him into custody.
The New Yorker

In the face of genocide, the intifada must be globalised

Chloe Skinners writes that the ‘shaking off’ of colonial dynamics of racism, violence, dehumanisation and division must be globalised.
Institute of Development Studies

Contextualising Gaza: Colonial violence and occupation

Chloe Skinner, Philip Proudfoot and Ali Reda write that while 7 October events precipitated a declaration of war, it is paramount to remember that a constant state of war, displacement and oppression has shaped Palestinian reality for over seven decades.
Institute of Development Studies

Tectonic shifts: A conversation with Darryl Li

A conversation about the unfolding crisis in Gaza and some of its wider implications for the Palestinian struggle and the solidarity movement..
The Baffler

Voices from Gaza

Translated transcripts of personal text messages, voice notes, and social media posts Gazan friends and loved ones have managed to send.
Society of Palestinian Anthropologists

War on Palestine

In this blog post, Cultural Anthropology gathers together published articles on Palestine/Israel.
Cultural Anthropology

Trapped: The impact of 15 years of blockade on the mental health of Gaza’s children

A Child's Rights Resource Centre report on the impact that living through five escalations in violence and a pandemic, as well as a life-limiting land, air and sea blockade, has had on children’s psychosocial wellbeing.
Save the Children