Search within Environmental Disasters
123 results found
Food assistance prioritisation in refugee settlements in Uganda and its impacts sw
This brief considers the humanitarian and policy implications of the general food and cash assistance prioritisation strategy in Uganda’s refugee settlements.
Responding to floods in South Sudan through the humanitarian-peace-development nexus arfr
This infographic summarises the insights from a recent key considerations brief on responding to floods in South Sudan, describing the multidimensional impacts of flooding on peace, health, livelihoods and governance.
Responding to floods in South Sudan through the humanitarian-peace-development nexus
This Key Considerations brief looks at interconnected problems in the context of South Sudan through a focus on flooding, with wider relevance to other countries in the region, such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan, experiencing similar…
Information Preparedness and Community Engagement for El Niño in the Eastern and Southern Africa Region frptes
El Niño can be viewed as a multi-hazard event, and considerations for information needs cut across different populations and risks, including direct weather-related hazards, reduced agricultural production, greater food insecurity and malnutrition, increased transmission of infectious diseases and effects on…
Condemned to live with one’s feet in water? A case study of community based strategies and urban maladaptation in flood prone Pikine/Dakar, Senegal
The number of poor and informal urban settlers in the world is rapidly growing, and they are increasingly vulnerable to the impacts of a changing climate. Therefore, understanding the nature and sustainability of locally adopted coping and adaptation strategies are…
Community voices on Climate and Security: Summary results for Senegal
This report summarizes preliminary results from fieldwork research conducted in Senegal during November, 2022. It is meant to expand our comprehension of climate-related security risks in Senegal, by examining the way local communities capitalise on everyday experience to develop a…
Climate and Mobility in the West African Sahel: Conceptualising the Local Dimensions of the Environment and Migration Nexus
Despite the theoretical and methodological critique of deterministic and linear explanations of migration under changing climatic conditions, many empirical case studies in this field remain deeply entrenched in static push-pull frameworks and tend to reproduce simplistic causal relationships. Drawing on…
Humanitarian Response to the Kahramanmaraş Earthquake in Syria ar
On 6 February 2023, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale brought destruction to southern Türkiye and northern Syria. The official death toll exceeded 50,000, with more than 7,000 fatalities occurring in Syria.1 An estimated 12…
Adding Scepticism About ‘Environmentality’: Gender Exclusion Through a Natural Resources Collectivization Initiative in Dionewar, Senegal
Research on the commons has demonstrated the capacity of local people to define efficient common resource management institutions and organizations that enforce them. However, little is still known about the motivations of the actors that craft bottom-up institutions. Environmentality proponents…
A story of abandonment: settlements and landscape in the Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal
Environmental migration is a growing concern of academics and policymakers, who foresee a rise in the number of such migrants. However, most prevailing academic and policy discourses ignore the variety of perceptions of environmental changes among people living in highly…
A Qualitative Study on How Perceptions of Environmental Changes are Linked to Migration in Morocco, Senegal, and DR Congo
Environmental migration is a growing concern of academics and policymakers, who foresee a rise in the number of such migrants. However, most prevailing academic and policy discourses ignore the variety of perceptions of environmental changes among people living in highly…
Flood Assessment in South Sudan November 2022
Like many countries around the globe, South Sudan is facing unprecedented impacts of climate change. Since 2017, it has experienced heavy downpours which have resulted in rampant floods. For instance, between July and October 2021 alone, 856,000 people were affected…