The Ebola crisis of 2014-15 has brought questions around the roles of communities and health systems into sharp relief – both in relation to crisis response, and to the challenges of post-crisis recovery and building resilience to future epidemics. The Institute of Development Studies is pleased to make this submission to the APPG inquiry on these crucial questions.
This submission draws upon this work and highlights the need for developing health systems and health crisis response mechanisms that actively seek, engage and adapt to local voices and concerns in the communities they serve. We emphasise the key role that anthropologists can play in facilitating these processes and recommend their inclusion in all future humanitarian crisis responses. In addition, we call for a long term commitment to developing local anthropological expertise, focusing on those countries vulnerable to humanitarian crises.
We present our submission concisely in bullet points and primarily refer to our work in Sierra Leone. We shall be happy to expand on any particular point on request.