DFID is mapping the current health architecture and identifying drivers that will influence the future architecture from 2015. This report was prepared to inform DFID on the strengths and weaknesses of the current global health architecture, and of the relevance and responsive of the health architecture for the post 2015 agenda. This work looks at health architecture, health aid and health governance from a global perspective.The report finds that the current architecture is crowded and poorly coordinated.Concern about global health has focused attention on global health governance architecture. The current system fails to provide sufficient justification for an obligation to assist in meeting the health needs of others. Transnational and national actors too often pursue their own interests.
A stronger commitment to all people being healthy is needed. It is clear that reform is needed due to a mismatch between governance mechanisms and the vulnerability and complexity of global processes. A profound transition of the global health system is already under way. With the MDG era coming to an end in 2015, the international community has an opportunity to ensure that post-2015 health priorities reflect the health needs of both current and future generations.As part of this transition, state and non-state actors must be better connected for transparent policy dialogue in decision-making processes that affect health. Commitments to global solidarity and shared responsibility is needed to move towards a more sustainable and healthy system. Those players from the private sector and civil society must be included in the reform process and the governance system that follows. The more transparent the governance system is, the more effective it will be.