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1337 results found

Journal Article

Rewriting abortion: deploying medical records in jurisdictional negotiation over a forbidden practice in Senegal

This study explores how medical providers deploy medical records in boundary work over the treatment of complications of spontaneous and induced abortion in Senegal, where induced abortion is prohibited under any circumstance.
Journal Article

Revisiting Tropes of Environmental and Social Change in Casamance, Senegal

The chapter examines paddy rice cultivation in Casamance, southern Senegal, amid broader contemporary contestations about environmentally induced migration.
Journal Article

Responsibility, repair and care in Sierra Leone’s health system.

Central to the workings of a hospital are the technical and bureaucratic systems that ensure the effective coordination of information and biological materials of patients across time and space. In this paper, which is based on ethnographic research in a…
Journal Article

Relational (im)mobilities: a case study of Senegalese coastal fishing populations

This article applies a climate mobilities lens to a qualitative case study of an urban Senegalese fishing community, characterised by its ‘micro-mobilities’ as much as by its international migration. The author argues that (im)mobilities are neither fixed nor all-encompassing but…
Journal Article

Rebel Recruitment and Migration: Theory and Evidence From Southern Senegal

The authors investigate whether the threat of recruitment by rebel groups spurs domestic and international migration, showing that individuals who fit the recruitment profiles of rebel groups are more likely to leave and be sent away by their families. The…
Journal Article

Reaching the end goal: Do interventions to improve climate information services lead to greater food security?

Through household surveys, focus group activities, and participant observation, this research investigates linkages between CIS, uptake of CSA practices, and household food security through investigation of four research sites, two in Senegal and two in Kenya. Through household surveys, focus…
Journal Article

Qualitative exploration of health system response to COVID-19 pandemic applying the WHO health systems framework: Case study of a Nigerian state

Health systems have an important role in a multi-sector response to pandemics, as there are already concerns that COVID-19 will significantly divert limited health care resources. This study appraised the readiness and resilience of the Nigerian health system to the…
Journal Article

Progress in the face of cuts: a qualitative Nigerian case study of maintaining progress towards universal health coverage after losing donor assistance

In the coming years, about a dozen middle-income countries are excepted to transition out of development assistance for health (DAH) based on their economic growth. This anticipated loss of external funds at a time when there is a need for…

Problems endure despite policies: Urban livelihoods after forced displacement

This chapter considers issues related to urban development-caused forced displacement and resettlement and the legal and policy approaches developed to address them to assess what difference national and international policies and guidelines have made to the outcomes of urban forced…

Private sector engagement in the COVID-19 response: experiences and lessons from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Senegal and Uganda

The COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed health systems and precipitated coalitions between public and private sectors to address critical gaps in the response. We conducted a study to document the public and private sector partnerships and engagements to inform current and…

Preserving the pot and water: a traditional concept of reproductive health in a Yoruba community, Nigeria

Within the background of the outcome of the 1994 Cairo Conference, this paper describes a traditional conceptualization of prenatal care in a Nigerian community and draws their implication for effective delivery of reproductive health services in the area.

Political Economy Analysis of Forced Displacement in Casamance, Senegal

This report describes research on dynamics of displacement due to armed conflict in Casamance, Senegal. It finds that historical policies, inequality, marginalisation, weak governance and entrenched poverty have conspired to foster continued impoverishment and arrested development in displacement affected communities,…