The second largest Ebola virus disease (EVD) epidemic occurred in the DRC from 2018–20. The Bambuti, a hunter population in the Ituri Forest of the DRC, may be vulnerable to the zoonotic spread of EVD due to their frequent handling of forest animals. We conducted a study to discern how the Bambuti perceived and responded to EVD. Thematic analysis of focus group discussions revealed three major themes: (1) deprivation and discrimination; (2) mistrust; and (3) epistemic dissonance with public health messages emphasizing risks posed by forest animals. Surveys pointed to widespread multidimensional poverty, lack of formal education, dependency on wild meat and opposition to bushmeat bans, limited trust in government overall knowledge of EVD. Compliance with public health measures was associated with higher levels of education and trust in government. Our findings point to a particular vulnerability of the Bambuti to the effects of EVD.
Research paper