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Search within Indonesia

5 results found

UNICEF | UNI181419 | Syzdlik
Case study

People, Poultry and Pandemics: Risk Communication and Community Engagement in Indonesia

This SSHAP Case Study illustrates how the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) worked in 2006-07 to support the Indonesian government in response to avian influenza outbreaks. The agency provided social mobilisation and education programmes to schools and villages in affected…
UNICEF, IDS & Anthrologica
Andre Borges | Agência Brasília
Background report

Attitudes towards Zika Virus Infection among Medical Doctors in Acehprovince, Indonesia

Zika virus (ZIKV) infection, a public health emergency of international concern, has recently been confirmed in Indonesia. However, to date, there has been no study to assess how prepared healthcare workers in Indonesia are to confront this emerging infectious disease.…
Journal of Infection and Public Health
Background report

The Political Economy of Avian Influenza in Indonesia

Why is the response to H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) so challenged in Indonesia? Why did the virus spread so fast, and why has the disease persisted? Are there features of the country and its culture that encourage or…
STEPS Centre
UNICEF/UN020034/Gilbertson VII Photo
Evidence review

Child Centred Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: Roles of Gender and Culture in Indonesia

The principle aim of this research was to investigate the roles of gender and religion in child-centred disaster risk reduction (DRR). Moreover, and through participatory research, informal conversations and direct advocacy, the project team hoped to build knowledge and awareness…
children in a changing climate research
UNICEF | UNI181419 | Syzdlik
Background report

Risk, Modernity and the H5N1 Virus in Action in Indonesia: A Multi-Sited Study of the Threats of Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza

This thesis examines the Influenza A/H5N1 virus in action through an ethnographic study focused on the entwined concepts of risk and modernity. The objective is to explain why the response to the virus has been challenged in Indonesia. Concerned with…
University of Sussex

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