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Search within Influenza

12 results found

Policy document

Pandemic Influenza Strategic Plan (PISP) Jan 2020 to Dec 2024

The Government of Sierra Leone’s plan for tackling a future influenz\a pandemic, written just before the Covid-19 outbreak.
Background report
Evidence review

Social science in epidemics: Influenza and SARS lessons learned zhfr

Summary and background reports exploring transmission, surveillance and other aspects of outbreaks.
Evidence review

Storage and Stockpiling as Techniques of Preparedness: Managing the Bottlenecks of Flu Pandemics

In the last twenty years, influenza has been considered by global health experts as a model for the emergence of new pathogens from animal reservoirs. In the logic of zoonoses, human disease is the tip of the iceberg constituted by…

Swine Flu: What Went Wrong?

Although the H1N1 ‘swine flu’ pandemic of 2009-10 was less severe than anticipated, the event revealed weaknesses in the world’s current configuration of planning for and responding to pandemic influenza, according to new research outlined in this briefing. Science, public…
STEPS Centre
Background report

The Political Economy of Avian Influenza in Thailand

Thailand is centrally located relative to the Avian Influenza epidemic and her response to the disease has important implications for disease control efforts both regionally and globally. A middle income country with a large and economically significant export oriented poultry…
STEPS Centre
Background report

The Political Economy of Avian Influenza in Indonesia

Why is the response to H5N1 highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) so challenged in Indonesia? Why did the virus spread so fast, and why has the disease persisted? Are there features of the country and its culture that encourage or…
STEPS Centre

The Lessons of Swine Flu

As the swine flu outbreak backstory seeps out, there are some vitally important lessons that can be learned. Huge investment in pandemic preparedness and contingency plans, improvements in surveillance and response systems and stockpiling of drugs and vaccines have followed recent avian…
The Guardian
Background report

Early Response to the Emergence of Influenza A(H7N9) Virus in Humans in China: The Central Role of Prompt Information Sharing and Public Communication

In 2003, China’s handling of the early stages of the epidemic of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) was heavily criticized and generally considered to be suboptimal. Following the SARS outbreak, China made huge investments to improve surveillance, emergency preparedness and…
Background report

The International Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: Science, Policy and Politics

Over the last decade, the avian influenza virus, H5N1, has spread across most of Asia and Europe and parts of Africa. In some countries – including Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Egypt – the avian disease has probably become…
STEPS Centre
UNICEF | UNI181419 | Syzdlik
Background report

Risk, Modernity and the H5N1 Virus in Action in Indonesia: A Multi-Sited Study of the Threats of Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza

This thesis examines the Influenza A/H5N1 virus in action through an ethnographic study focused on the entwined concepts of risk and modernity. The objective is to explain why the response to the virus has been challenged in Indonesia. Concerned with…
University of Sussex
UNICEF/UN020367/Trong Quoc Nam
Background report

The Political Economy of Avian Influenza Response and Control in Vietnam

As a country suffering from large-scale AI outbreaks and receiving considerable international support, Vietnam provides a crucial case not to be missed in any analysis of the global AI crisis. Vietnam is also interesting because of two paradoxes in her…
STEPS Centre
Background report

To Pandemic or Not? Reconfiguring Global Responses to Influenza

Examining the political economy of knowledge in responses to the 2009-10 influenza pandemic, this paper argues that globally, and in many individual nations, techno-scientific narratives constructed by bio-medical actor networks failed to correspond with the more variegated narratives of multifarious…
STEPS Centre

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