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Search within East and Southern Africa

559 results found

Journal Article

Histories of Antibiotics: A One Health account of the arrival of antimicrobial drugs to Zimbabwe, Malawi and Uganda. Report for the Improving Human Health Flagship Initiative, Agriculture for Nutrition and Health research programme, CGIAR

The overall aim of this short project is to uncover some of the socio-historical roots of antibiotic use in humans and non-humans outside of the European and American histories that are now well understood. We provide an historical account of…
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Journal Article

Antibiotic ‘entanglements’: health, labour and everyday life in an urban informal settlement in Kampala, Uganda

Our ethnographic research documents the ways that antibiotics have become a key part of everyday life for precariously employed urban day-wage workers living in a large informal settlement in Kampala, Uganda. We found that for many people, their daily work…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal Article

Antibiotic stories: a mixed-methods, multi-country analysis of household antibiotic use in Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe

As concerns about the prevalence of infections that are resistant to available antibiotics increase, attention has turned toward the use of these medicines both within and outside of formal healthcare settings. This article analyses findings from mixed-methods anthropological studies of…
BMJ Global Health
Journal Article

Antibiotic Arrivals in Africa: A Case Study of Yaws and Syphilis in Malawi, Zimbabwe and Uganda

The significance of the ways in which antibiotics co-constituted colonial regimes has not been systematically described. Through a case study of yaws and syphilis, this article traces arrivals of antibiotics in Malawi, Zimbabwe, and Uganda. We draw attention to the…
Medicine Anthropology Theory
Journal Article

Une perspective de paix pour le Soudan en 2002 ? fr

This article analyses the extent to which the international situation immediately following September 11, 2001 created the basis for an end to the civil war in Sudan. The author argues that the situation is handicapped by certain weaknesses: the internal…
Journal Article

Taking Opportunities, Taking Medicines: Antibiotic Use in Rural Eastern Uganda

The ways in which dimensions of health and healthcare intersect with economics and politics in particular contexts requires close attention. In this article we connect concerns about antibiotic overuse in Uganda to the social milieu created through policies that follow…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal Article

Reconciling imperatives: Clinical guidelines, antibiotic prescribing and the enactment of good care in lower-level health facilities in Tororo, Uganda.

Faced with the threat of antimicrobial resistance, health workers are urged to reduce unnecessary prescription of antimicrobials. Clinical guidelines are expected to form the basis of prescribing. Emerging through evaluations of best practice, guidelines also create benchmarks to assess practice…
Taylor & Francis Online

Antibiotics in Society: a multi-sited ethnography in rural and urban Uganda

This thesis employed a multi-sited ethnographic approach in urban and rural settings in Uganda to study the social and economic factors that shape antibiotic use. It found that these included everyday insecurities, availability of resources, and professional and patient expectations…
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Journal Article

“One Man’s Meat Is Another Man’s Poison”: Marungi and Realities of Resilience in North West Uganda

Approaches to resilience in post-war contexts prioritise systems-based thinking above everyday realities. This paper explores reconstruction through marungi (khat) in North-West Uganda. Presenting ethnographic evidence, we chart connections between marungi and resilience among growers, traders and “eaters”. Firstly, we argue…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal Article

The Implications of Sugarcane Contract Farming on Land Rights, Labor, and Food Security in the Bunyoro Sub-Region, Uganda

The Ugandan government has long promoted agricultural commercialization as key to Uganda’s economic future. Sugarcane commercialization, in the form of contract farming (CF), has been a preferred instrument, leading to the emergence of large and medium sugar corporations in Uganda’s…
Science Direct
Journal Article

Building the nation’s body: The contested role of abortion and family planning in postwar south Sudan

This paper offers an ethnographic analysis of public health policies and interventions targeting unwanted pregnancy (family planning and abortion) in contemporary South Sudan as part of wider ‘nation-building’ after war, understood as a process of collective identity formation which projects…
Science Direct
Journal Article

Foreign Aid In Post-Conflict Countries: The Case Of South Sudan

This paper examines the approach to foreign aid being used in South Sudan, and reflects new thinking in providing assistance to post-conflict countries.
University Press of Florida