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Search within West Africa, Resources,

123 results found

Journal Article

Why I Have Not Taken the COVID-19 Vaccine” a Descriptive Qualitative Study of Older Adults’ Perceived Views of COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Nigeria

Globally, the COVID-19 vaccine uptake is increasing, but slowly among older adults residing in lower and middle-income countries, including Nigeria. Following this, we explored the perceived views of older adults on the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in Nigeria. Findings…

Vaccine anxieties, vaccine preparedness: Perspectives from Africa in a Covid-19 era

Global debates about vaccines as a key element of pandemic response and future preparedness in the era of Covid-19 currently focus on questions of supply, with attention to global injustice in vaccine distribution and African countries as rightful beneficiaries of…

A Qualitative Study on How Perceptions of Environmental Changes are Linked to Migration in Morocco, Senegal, and DR Congo

Environmental migration is a growing concern of academics and policymakers, who foresee a rise in the number of such migrants. However, most prevailing academic and policy discourses ignore the variety of perceptions of environmental changes among people living in highly…

A story of abandonment: settlements and landscape in the Niokolo-Koba National Park, Senegal

Environmental migration is a growing concern of academics and policymakers, who foresee a rise in the number of such migrants. However, most prevailing academic and policy discourses ignore the variety of perceptions of environmental changes among people living in highly…
Cambridge University Press

Caregivers’ perception of risk for malaria, helminth infection and malaria-helminth co-infection among children living in urban and rural settings of Senegal: A qualitative study.

The parasites causing malaria, soil-transmitted helminthiasis and schistosomiasis frequently co-exist in children living in low-and middle-income countries, where existing vertical control programmes for the control of these diseases are not operating at optimal levels. This gap necessitates the development and…

Challenges in Implementing the National Health Response to COVID-19 in Senegal

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in Africa, many epidemiological or anthropological studies have been published. However, few studies have yet been conducted to understand the implementation of State interventions to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. In Senegal, the national…

Community voices on Climate and Security: Summary results for Senegal

This report summarizes preliminary results from fieldwork research conducted in Senegal during November, 2022. It is meant to expand our comprehension of climate-related security risks in Senegal, by examining the way local communities capitalise on everyday experience to develop a…

Displacement at seascapes: Senegalese fishermen in between state power and foreign fleets

Through semi-structured interviews with Senegalese fishermen, this article examines their displacement following the depletion of fishing stocks in Senegalese waters owing to the activities of European and Asian industrial fleets over the last two decades.

Doing gender, doing alcohol: The paradox of gendered drinking practices among young Nigerians.

In traditional Nigeria, consumption norms prohibited women’s and young people’s alcohol use. Nowadays, young men and women use alcohol, and many enact identities with heavy drinking. This study uses gender performance theory and interviews/focus group data from 72 young Nigerian…

Humanitarian tropes in the Casamance: presumptions about gender-based violence in conflict and displacement contexts

The chapter examines changes and social consolidations of traditional gender roles and relations in the Casamance against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict. It contrasts humanitarian assessments that assume a general weakening of the position of women in such contexts…

Interembodiment, Inheritance, and Intergenerational Health

This article introduces the concept of interembodiment, animated bodily entanglements between people, to illustrate the shared sense of illness that transgresses discrete biological bodies.