Blogs, news & events
137 stories
The Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP) is offering a new round of workshops designed to build capacity in applying social sciences in humanitarian and public health crises. La Plateforme pour les sciences sociales dans l'action humanitaire (SSHAP) propose une nouvelle série d'ateliers destinés à renforcer les capacités d'application…
call for proposals
16 November 2022
Event: Shifting Power in Pandemics
16 November 2022
Event: Shifting Power in Pandemics
On Wednesday 16 November 2022 between 12:00-15:00 GMT, The Wellcome Trust collaborative Pandemics Preparedness Project is hosting Shifting Power in Pandemics, a public webinar on connecting and supporting preparedness ‘from below’. Shifting Power in Pandemics, will explore issues surrounding connecting and supporting preparedness from below and feature expert speakers from…