This briefing paper summarises key considerations about the context of North Kivu province in relation to the outbreak of Ebola in the DRC, August 2018.
The province of North Kivu has six territories: Beni, Lubero, Masisi, Nyiragongo, Rutshuru, Walikale. At the time of writing, cases of Ebola had been positively confirmed in Beni territory, and cases were also under investigation in Lubero territory and in the neighbouring Ituri province. This briefing focuses specifically on the Grand Nord (Great North): the Beni and Lubero territories of northern North Kivu that are the epicentre of the outbreak.
The briefing is based on a rapid review of existing published and grey literature, professional ethnographic research in DRC, personal communication with administrative and health officials and practitioners in the country, and experience of previous Ebola outbreaks. The brief was developed by Juliet Bedford with support from colleagues at Harvard University and Anthrologica. Additional inputs were provided by colleagues from the Congo Research Group, CNRS-MNHN Paris, Danish Institute for International Studies, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Institut Pasteur, Institute of Development Studies, London School of Economics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, New York University, Réseau Anthropologie des Epidémies Emergentes, Rikolto, Social Science Research Council, Universität Bayreuth, University of Basel, University of Florida, University of Ghent, University of Melbourne and University of Sussex.