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Search within Guinea

47 results found


Emergency Ebola Anthropology Network Advisory Brief: Culture and Clinical Trials fr

This advisory brief aims to provide anthropologically informed guidance to governmental and humanitarian actors involved in the Ebola response at local, national and international levels, about clinical trials for Ebola treatments, therapies and vaccines.
Emergency Ebola Anthropology Network
Case study

Les Gens du Riz (The Rice People) Kissi Funerals in the region of Guekedou and Kissidougou

This is a chapter on Kissi Funerals in the region of Guekedou and Kissidougou. Whilst this is based on fieldwork conducted in 1945-6, many of the ritual practices and meanings were current and observed in Kissi villages in 1991-3.
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform

Burial/Other Cultural Practices and Risk of EVD Transmission in the Mano River Region

While this briefing note identifies arenas of particular significance with regard to burial practices, such practices are not standardised, are likely to change as social responses to Ebola evolve, and therefore need to be discussed on a locality by locality…
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform

The flow of money at the community level fr

This brief summarises some key considerations about the flow and control of money in relation to the Ebola response.
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform

Regional food insecurity, work migration and roadblocks fr

This brief summarises some key considerations about food insecurity, the migration of men and youth  for work and the  implication these movements may have for the Ebola response.
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform

The significance of death, funerals and the after-life in Ebola-hit Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia: Anthropological insights into infection and social resistance

The aim of this briefing paper is to consider the various ways in which widely reported fear and resistance to the Ebola response can be understood, and what each way of understanding offers to those battling with the current epidemic.
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform

Ebola and Older People in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea

The limited evidence available on age-disaggregated fatality rates of Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) consistently highlights the poor survival rates of older people compared with young adults.
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform
Case study

‘Resistance’ in Guinea

The following key considerations have been collated from the suggestions and insights provided by over twenty-five anthropologists and social-behavioural scientists (based in West Africa and internationally) who answered an on-line call to provide guidance and operational recommendations in relation to…
Ebola Response Anthropology Platform
Case study

Balancing Burial Rituals with Public Health Demands During the 2014 Guinean Ebola Epidemic

Case study addressing resistance to Ebola response measures

Television and Ebola

Circulating around the globe during the 2014-15 Ebola outbreak in West Africa were bold and sensationalistic headlines such as “Killer Virus”, “Ebola Here!” and “Burn dead bodies.” Along with such stark and shocking headlines were images of health providers sealed (concealed) within…
Background report

Unintended Consequences of the ‘Bushmeat Ban’ in West Africa during the 2013-2016 Ebola Virus Disease Epidemic

Following the 2013-2016 outbreak of Ebola virus disease (EVD) in West Africa, governments across the region imposed a ban on the hunting and consumption of meat from wild animals. This injunction was accompanied by public health messages emphasising the infectious…
Social Science and Medicine
Background report

Understanding Social Resistance to the Ebola Response in the Forest Region of the Republic of Guinea: An Anthropological Perspective

Why did Ebola response initiatives in the Upper Guinea Forest Region regularly encounter resistance, occasionally violent? Extending existing explanations concerning local and humanitarian “culture” and “structural violence,” and drawing on previous anthropological fieldwork and historical and documentary research, this article…
African Studies Review

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