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1423 results found


Ebola and Human Rights: Insight from Experts

Ebola demonstrates the critical link between health and human rights, the lack of governance, and the misdirection that befalls the international community in addressing such outbreaks. Human rights experts agree that the Ebola response falls into Lawrence Gostin’s paradigm whereby…
Health and Human Rights Journal
Background report

Prioritizing Health: A Human Rights Analysis of Disaster, Vulnerability, and Urbanization in New Orleans and Port-au-Prince

Climate change prompts increased urbanization and vulnerability to natural hazards. Urbanization processes are relevant to a right to health analysis of natural hazards because they can exacerbate pre-disaster inequalities that create vulnerability. The 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince and the 2005…
Health and Human Rights Journal
Background report

Transforming Policy into Justice: The Role of Health Advocates in Mozambique

Despite expanding policy commitments in many poor countries, health care is often a failure at the point of delivery. Lack of information, poor enforcement, and power dynamics prevent those whose rights have been violated from pursuing redress. In Mozambique, grassroots…
Health and Human Rights Journal
Background report

Interview with Francisco Songane: Evidence of Impact of Human Rights-Based Approaches to Health

Dr. Francisco Songane was Mozambique’s minister of health from 2000 to 2004. During his tenure, he oversaw the introduction of innovative strategies to tackle malaria and hepatitis B. In addition to ensuring the inclusion of HIV treatment in the public…
Health and Human Rights Journal
Background report

Challenging Orthodoxies: The Road Ahead for Health and Human Rights

Two decades of work delivering health care in poor communities provide a standpoint from which to challenge conventional doctrines in human rights and public health. These orthodoxies include the priority often assigned to civil and political rights over economic and…
Health and Human Rights Journal
Background report

Social Justice, Climate Change, and Dengue

Climate change should be viewed fundamentally as an issue of global justice. Understanding the complex interplay of climatic and socioeconomic trends is imperative to protect human health and lessen the burden of diseases such as dengue fever. Dengue fever is…
Health and Human Rights Journal
UNICEF/UNI177688/UNMEER Martine Perret
Background report

Biosocial Approaches to the 2013-2016 Ebola Pandemic

Despite more than 25 documented outbreaks of Ebola since 1976, our understanding of the disease is limited, in particular the social, political, ecological, and economic forces that promote (or limit) its spread.In the following study, we seek to provide new…
Health and Human Rights Journal
Evidence review

Cholera Outbreak Guidelines: Preparedness, Prevention and Control

This practical field guide brings together lessons learned from Oxfam’s past interventions in the prevention and control of cholera, and other related guidance. The aim is to provide a quick, step-by-step guide to inform cholera outbreak interventions and ensure public…
Evidence review

Guide to Community Engagement in WASH: A Practitioner’s Guide, Based on Lessons from Ebola

The Ebola response in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea demonstrated that community engagement is critical in responding to epidemics. This was not always a guiding principle in the fight against Ebola, which initially prioritized biomedical and militarized responses. Working in…
UNICEF/UN020034/Gilbertson VII Photo
Evidence review

Child Centred Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation: Roles of Gender and Culture in Indonesia

The principle aim of this research was to investigate the roles of gender and religion in child-centred disaster risk reduction (DRR). Moreover, and through participatory research, informal conversations and direct advocacy, the project team hoped to build knowledge and awareness…
children in a changing climate research
Background report

Anthropological Perspectives on Disasters and Disability: An Introduction

Natural disasters and disasters that directly derive from human actions, both evolving and sudden, trace the structural fault lines of the societies that they affect. Disaster outcomes disproportionately impact those with the least access to social and material resources: women…
Society for Applied Anthropology
Background report

Reviewing Emergencies for Swaziland – Shifting the Paradigm in a New Era

The world’s highest HIV prevalence and the increasing number of deaths due to AIDS is having unprecedented impact on Swaziland. Worryingly, with a generation of orphans and rapidly escalating poverty, this desperate situation is being accepted as ‘normal’. HIV/AIDS in…

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