Search within Sudan
28 results found
Research paper
Sudan: A political marketplace framework analysis
This paper provides a succinct analysis of Sudan as a political marketplace, offering a framework for analysing the Sudanese predicament so as to understand the implications of different courses of action.
The Sudan uprising and its possibilities: Regional revolution, generational revolution, and an end to Islamist politics?
Willow Berridge discusses parallels between the popular uprising in 2019 and Sudan’s two previous popular uprisings, the October Revolution of 1964 and the April Intifada of 1985.
Assessment of communication, community engagement and accountability in Sudan
An assessment of response-wide communication, community engagement and accountability (CCEA) work with the affected population in Sudan.
The ‘real politics’ of taxation in post-revolutionary Sudan
Matthew Benson and, Raga Makawi describe Sudan's tax system and plans to search for domestic tax revenue to respond to economic, political and social uncertainty.
Research paper
Sudan’s political marketplace in 2021: Public and political finance, the Juba agreement and contests
This paper examines the continuities and changes in Sudan’s political economy and political marketplace since the popular uprising in 2019 and the subsequent formation of a military-civilian transitional government.
Egypt: Police target Sudanese refugee activists
This Human Rights Watch article describes the political conditions and recent experiences of Sudanese refugees in Egypt which may shape how current Sudanese refugees are treated in the country.
Protection analysis update
This update analyses priority protection risks and recommendations with findings based on an analysis of protection monitoring actors and assessments by the Protection Sector, its AoRs, protection partners and reports produced by other agencies.
High food prices, flooding and inter-communal clashes continue driving high needs
A Sudan food security outlook update describing different drivers of food insecurity among a range of vulnerable population groups.
Sudan hunger: ‘Children are facing the threat of death’
A news article looking at the crisis in Sudan.
Sudan: Conflict briefing note
This briefing note describes the impact of the Sudan crisis on provision and humanitarian constraints.
Sudan: Update on the humanitarian situation with a focus on the impact on healthcare
This thematic report provides an update on the impact of conflict on Sudan’s healthcare system using a secondary data review of public sources.
Sudan: Humanitarian access snapshot
This briefing note gives a snapshot of the humanitarian access situation in Sudan following the start of fighting in April 2023 as well as some insights into the overall humanitarian access situation since the military takeover in October 2021.