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1418 results found

Background report

The International Response to Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza: Science, Policy and Politics

Over the last decade, the avian influenza virus, H5N1, has spread across most of Asia and Europe and parts of Africa. In some countries – including Indonesia, China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Egypt – the avian disease has probably become…
STEPS Centre
UNICEF/UNI177602/UNMEER Martine Perret
Background report

Epidemics for All? Governing Health in a Global Age

Current global health policy is dominated by a preoccupation with infectious diseases and in particular with emerging or re-emerging infectious diseases that threaten to ‘break out’ of established patterns of prevalence or virulence into new areas and new victims. This…
STEPS Centre
Evidence review

Multiple Shocks, Coping and Welfare Consequences: Natural Disasters and Health Shocks in the Indian Sundarbans

Based on a household survey in Indian Sundarbans hit by tropical cyclone Aila in May 2009, this study tests for evidence and argues that health and climatic shocks are essentially linked forming a continuum and with exposure to a marginal…
Evidence review

HIV/AIDS, Forests and Futures in sub-Saharan Africa

Throughout sub-Saharan Africa, the human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) pandemic is having devastating and tragic social, economic, and political impacts. HIV/AIDS is both a health issue and a development problem, with complex links to rural livelihoods, human capacity, and…
STEPS Centre
Background report

Famine in the Twentieth Century

More than 70 million people died in famines during the 20th century. This paper compiles excess mortality estimates from over 30 major famines and assess the success of some parts of the world – China, the Soviet Union, and more…
Background report

Health and Poverty in sub-Saharan Africa

The paper discusses strategies for meeting the needs of the poor in a pluralist health sector. It argues that the first step in defining such strategies must be a realistic assessment of the complex and unregulated market for health services…
UNICEF | UNI181419 | Syzdlik
Background report

Risk, Modernity and the H5N1 Virus in Action in Indonesia: A Multi-Sited Study of the Threats of Avian and Human Pandemic Influenza

This thesis examines the Influenza A/H5N1 virus in action through an ethnographic study focused on the entwined concepts of risk and modernity. The objective is to explain why the response to the virus has been challenged in Indonesia. Concerned with…
University of Sussex
UNICEF/UN020367/Trong Quoc Nam
Background report

The Political Economy of Avian Influenza Response and Control in Vietnam

As a country suffering from large-scale AI outbreaks and receiving considerable international support, Vietnam provides a crucial case not to be missed in any analysis of the global AI crisis. Vietnam is also interesting because of two paradoxes in her…
STEPS Centre
Working paper

Researching social policy

This working paper reviews some of the main methodological approaches to emerge in the 1990s, reflecting on both their objectives and their limitations.
Background report

Changing Understandings of HIV and AIDS through Treatment Interactions

The problem of HIV internationally has many wide ranging impacts on people, communities and countries’ development. In the last decade antiretroviral (ARV) treatment has emerged as the major scientific-technical solution, albeit a costly one. Access to ARV treatment is of…
Background report

To Pandemic or Not? Reconfiguring Global Responses to Influenza

Examining the political economy of knowledge in responses to the 2009-10 influenza pandemic, this paper argues that globally, and in many individual nations, techno-scientific narratives constructed by bio-medical actor networks failed to correspond with the more variegated narratives of multifarious…
STEPS Centre
UNICEF/UNI181858/de Mun

The Pathology of Inequality: Gender and Ebola in West Africa

The international response to Ebola has been decried for being ‘too slow, too little, too late’. As well as racing to respond, we need to consider what has happened over the past decades to leave exposed fault lines that enabled…