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Search within Central and East Africa, Conflict and peacebuilding,

198 results found

Research paper

“Maybe we should take the legal ways”: Citizen engagement with lower state courts in post-war northern Uganda

Lower state courts are the focus of both international and national access to justice policies and programs but remain understudied in Uganda. Drawing on 3 years of ethnographically informed research on citizen engagement with a busy magistrates’ court in post-war northern…
Wiley Online Library
Background report

Aid Seen from the Bottom: Community realities and representations of aid in Eastern DRC

Africa’s Great Lakes region has been plagued by deadly armed conflicts for almost three decades, resulting in internal and international displacement. Marked by issues of governance, natural resource management, land grab- bing, and food insecurity, Eastern DRC is at the…
Ghent University
Background report

Aid Seen from the Bottom: Community realities and representations of aid in Eastern DRC

This report investigates community perceptions of the actions carried out by NGOs working to address intersecting crises in Eastern DRC, in Kalehe and Uvira (Ruzizi Plain) territories. These two areas are characterized by a significant presence of humanitarian, development and…
Ghent University
Background report

Vacuum Governance in Eastern DRC: Understanding the Social, Economic and Security Dynamics of Shabunda

Vacuum Governance in Eastern DRC: Understanding the Social, Economic and Security Dynamics of ShabundaThis report investigates the social and security dynamics in Shabunda territory (Democratic Republic of the Congo). Located in westernmost South Kivu province and bordering Maniema province, Shabunda…
Governance in Conflict Network

One year after the coup: What next for Sudan’s Juba Peace Agreement?

This briefing considers the changing political situation in Sudan, exploring how the relationship between two key factions in the conflict has complicated discussions around the formation of a new political arrangement in Sudan.
Research paper

The Cultural Problematic in Narratives of Violence against Women and Girls in South Sudan

Our research points to the need for social and gender norm change approaches to be better contextualised within the political economy and through applying a nuanced critique of the role of culture in normalising many forms of VAWG. In addition,…
SAGE Publications
Research paper

Sexual violence against men in conflict and post-conflict settings: A qualitative research methodology

This article describes the research design and the strategies employed in qualitative research with South Sudanese male refugee survivors of sexual violence who have resettled in two communities in Uganda since the onset of the 2013 South Sudan conflict.
SAGE Publications
Research paper

“Tokowa po ya ekolo”: The Military Body Within the Congolese Army

This article explores the conceptualization of the body among former Congolese soldiers living as refugees in Johannesburg. The article draws on extensive fieldwork in Johannesburg, South Africa and employs the concept of deterritorialization and reterritorialization to explain the bodies of…
SAGE Publications
Research paper

Peace Starts with Peace of Mind: Study of the Intersection between Postconflict Trauma, Peacebuilding and Economic Development in Northern Uganda

This study examines an intervention implemented by TPO Uganda in northern Uganda addressing mental health challenges, conflict mediation and economic empowerment. The research consisted of 23 individual in-depth interviews and 16 focus group discussions, supported by a quantitative questionnaire completed…
Medknow Publications
Research paper

A Reason Not to Belong: Political Decentralization, Intercommunal Relations, and Changing Identities in Northeastern Uganda

Based on oral history fieldwork in Abim, Meyerson documents these changes in sociopolitical identification among the Ethur. In doing so, he demonstrates how political decentralization has become a venue for the combination of international discourses of indigenous rights, national notions…
Cambridge University Press
Research paper

Lakes as Rebellious Landscapes: From ‘Fishing Rebels’ to ‘Fishy State Officials’ in DR Congo

This article discusses the frictions that emerge when the management of Virunga National Park in eastern DR Congo tries to retake control of Lake Edward through infrastructural and military interventions. These interventions not only encounter resistance from multiple rebel groups…
Science Direct
Research paper

A Perturbed Peace: Applying Complexity Theory to UN Peacekeeping

Drawing on experience working and conducting fieldwork in the UN peacekeeping mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, this article argues that UN peacekeeping operations should view themselves as actors within the complex conflict ecosystem, looking to enable transformational…
Taylor & Francis Online

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