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Search within Ethnic Identity

6 results found

Journal article

A Reason Not to Belong: Political Decentralization, Intercommunal Relations, and Changing Identities in Northeastern Uganda

Based on oral history fieldwork in Abim, Meyerson documents these changes in sociopolitical identification among the Ethur. In doing so, he demonstrates how political decentralization has become a venue for the combination of international discourses of indigenous rights, national notions…
Cambridge University Press
Journal article

Contesting the militarization of the places where they met: the landscapes of the western Nuer and Dinka (South Sudan)

Decades of violent conflict and elite wealth acquisition have created a common rupture in shared landscapes between communities of the western Dinka and Nuer (South Sudan). Since the government wars of the 1980s, people from both Dinka and Nuer communities…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal article

Interethnic Relations in Exile: The Politics of Ethnicity among Sudanese Refugees in Uganda and Egypt

Refugees are diverse and often politically active. The case of Sudanese refugees forced into exile by civil conflict illustrates these characteristics. Sudanese belong to various ethnic groups that became highly politicized by conflict. Sudanese identities are also politicized in exile…

Ethnogovernmentality: The Making of Ethnic Territories and Subjects in Eastern Congo

In this article I investigate colonial constructions of ethnicity and territory and their effects in the post-independence period in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. The core argument of the article is that the constructions of ethnicity and territory that…
Journal article

Violent conflict and ethnicity in the Congo: beyond materialism, primordialism and symbolism

This paper investigates the nexus between ethnicity and violent conflict in the Congo. We make three interlocking arguments. First, that ethnicity is a defining political resource in the Congo’s politics and violent conflicts, which we call ‘ethnic capital’. Second, that…
Journal article

Armed mobilisation and the nexus of territory, identity, and authority: the contested territorial aspirations of the Banyamulenge in eastern DR Congo

The closely intertwined notions of territory, identity, and authority are at the heart of conflict dynamics in the eastern DR Congo. Focusing on the territorial aspirations of the Banyamulenge community in South Kivu, this article looks at the ways in…