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Search within Cameroon

4 results found


WHO Multi-country outbreak of cholera, External situation report #1

This report summarises the current status of the cholera outbreak across 24 countries that are reporting cases. WHO has assessed the global risk level as very high.
World Health Organization

Key Considerations for Epidemic Response and Preparedness in Cameroon fr

This technical brief was prepared by IDS in July 2021 to support the embedding of social science and anthropological perspectives in UK AID-supported Tackling Deadly Diseases in Africa (TDDA) technical assistance and its Early Response Mechanism. It draws on a…
Tackling Deadly Diseases in Africa
UNICEF | UN0216103 | Shadid
Background report

Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Knowledge, Attitudes and Social Representations of Cholera in the Extreme Northern Region of Cameroon: The Case of Maroua I, Maroua Ii and Mokolo

An effective fight against Cholera requires an in-depth consideration of the knowledge, attitudes and social representations of Cholera within a population. Cholera outbreaks persist in the Extreme North of Cameroon because of the inadequate integration of representations of Cholera, water…
PanAfrican Medical Journal
Background report

Health Seeking Behaviour Among Suspected Cases of Cholera in Cameroonian Health Districts in Lake Chad Basin

Cholera outbreaks are recurrent in Cameroon and despite the efforts put together during epidemics, they are always associated with a high case fatality. Inadequate demand for health care is one of the major factors that might be responsible for the…
BMC Research Notes

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