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Search within South Sudan

152 results found

Research Article

The humanitarian protectorate of South Sudan? Understanding insecurity for humanitarians in a political economy of aid

This paper contributes to debates about humanitarian governance and insecurity in post-conflict situations. Taking the case of South Sudan, it explores relations between humanitarian agencies, the international community, and local authorities, and how international and local forms of power become…
Cambridge University Press
Research Article

The effects of conflict and displacement on violence against adolescent girls in South Sudan: the case of adolescent girls in the Protection of Civilian sites in Juba

There is a paucity of data on violence against women and girls (VAWG) during conflict in general and even less specifically on violence against adolescent girls. Based on secondary analysis of a larger study in South Sudan, this article highlights…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal Article

The Asylum-Migration Nexus: Can Motivations Shape The Concept Of Coercion? The Sudanese Transit Case

This piece discusses forced migration from a multidisciplinary approach.
University Press of Florida
Journal Article

Sensing Sleeping Sickness: Local Symptom-Making in South Sudan

Programs for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) such as sleeping sickness increasingly involve patients and community workers in syndromic case detection with little exploration of patient understandings of symptoms. Drawing on concepts from sensorial anthropology, I investigate peoples’ experiences of sleeping…
Taylor & Francis Online
Journal Article

Rethinking access to land and violence in post-war cities: reflections from Juba, Southern Sudan

It is often assumed that violence diminishes after civil war. In fact, urban areas can turn highly violent. The new forms of violence that can emerge are widespread but poorly understood and have been attributed to a range of factors…
SAGE Publications
Journal Article

Protection and well-being of adolescent refugees in the context of a humanitarian crisis: Perceptions from South Sudanese refugees in Uganda

Improved understanding of refugees’ perceptions of provision of humanitarian support is important to improve design and delivery of humanitarian assistance. Refugee adolescents face a range of adversities, while the phase of displacement likely influences risk factors for adolescent refugees. However,…
Science Direct
Journal Article

Engaging refugee women and girls as experts: co-creating evidence on sexual exploitation and abuse in humanitarian crises using creative, participatory methods

This paper explores how creative and participatory practices can address the barriers, such as illiteracy (including computer illiteracy) and lack of training, often cited as limiting researchers’ ability to share power with affected communities, and allow for greater co-production of…
Bristol University Press
Journal Article

Sexual Violence Against Men in Conflict and Post-Conflict Settings: A Qualitative Research Methodology

This article describes the research design and the strategies employed by the first author, who conducted qualitative research with South Sudanese male refugees who were survivors of sexual violence and have resettled in two communities in Uganda since the onset…
SAGE Publications
Journal Article

The Cultural Problematic in Narratives of Violence against Women and Girls in South Sudan

Our research points to the need for social and gender norm change approaches to be better contextualised within the political economy and through applying a nuanced critique of the role of culture in normalising many forms of VAWG. In addition,…
SAGE Publications
Journal Article

Conflict, trade and the medium-term future of food security in Sudan

Recent economic growth and the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) have been seen as grounds for optimism about future food security in Sudan. However, solving the North-South conflict (if indeed it is solved) does not resolve conflicts within either the North…
Wiley Online Library
Journal Article

A Disaster for Whom?: Local Interests and International Donors During Famine Among the Dinka of Sudan

The 1985–88 famine amongst the Dinka is described and shown to have been rooted in the long term exploitation of the south by northern Sudanese and international interests. This process of exploitation served, and continues to serve, important functions for…
Wiley Online Library
Journal Article

Dispersal, division and diversification: durable solutions and Sudanese refugees in Uganda

Questions over durable solutions in the social, political and security terrain of southern Sudan and northern Uganda invite recognition that simple delineations between “home” and “exile” are inadequate to understanding displacement and refugee status. Contrary to existing policies assuming an…
Taylor & Francis Online