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Search within Epidemic preparedness and response

197 results found

Photo story

Photo story: Views of Mpox in Nigeria

This photo story explores how mpox is felt and understood by different people in Nigeria – including those with symptoms, the wider community and healthcare workers. It gives a snapshot of some of the themes from our research, though it’s…

Guidance Note on Community Engagement for Cholera Outbreak Response in the East and Southern Africa Region

The purpose of this guidance note is to support Ministries of Health, UNICEF, and other response partners to design and implement effective, community-centred, and data-driven community engagement for cholera outbreak response.

Cholera Questions Bank

These resources are intended to support operational social science research to be used in cholera preparedness and response activities.

Key Considerations: Socio-Behavioural Insight For Community-Centred Cholera Preparedness And Response In Mozambique, 2023

This brief explores socio-behavioural determinants including local knowledge, perceptions, practices, and structural factors influencing cholera transmission dynamics. The brief has been developed to support response actors develop prevention and control strategies to rapidly contain the outbreak and prepare for a…
Policy Document

Strategic Response Plan For The Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak In The Provinces Of North Kivu And Ituri Democratic Republic Of The Congo July – December 2019 fr

This document sets out the Ministry of Health’s strategic response to the Ebola Virus outbreak in North Kivu and Ituri provinces in 2019. Taking into account the impact of insecurity in these regions, the plan details how the government planned…
Policy Document

National Action Plan for Health Security, Republic of South Sudan

This National Action Plan for Health Security from the Republic of South Sudan details the country’s health security strategy for 2020-2024 including annual reporting, after action reviews, joint external evaluations, simulation exercises and other assessments, within a One Health framework.
Republic of South Sudan
Policy Document

Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Preparedness and Readiness Update for South Sudan

This Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Preparedness and Readiness Update from late 2022 was jointly presented by the Ministry of Health of South Sudan, and the WHO and details EVD alerts, and emergency preparedness activities in the country in response to…
Republic of South Sudan and WHO
Policy Document

Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report South Sudan

This Situation Report from the WHO on South Sudan offers an overview of the humanitarian situation in January 2023, including the state of measles transmission and vaccination response, Covid-19 vaccination, cholera and the distribution of health emergency kits.
WHO South Sudan Country Office
Journal Article

Treatment-seeking and uptake of malaria prevention strategies among pregnant women and caregivers of children under-five years during COVID-19 pandemic in rural communities in South West Uganda: a qualitative study

Despite efforts to avert the negative effects of malaria, there remain barriers to the uptake of prevention measures, hindering its eradication. This qualitative case study explored factors influencing uptake of malaria prevention strategies among pregnant women and children under-five years…
BMC Public Health
Journal Article

Vaccine anxieties, vaccine preparedness: Perspectives from Africa in a Covid-19 era

Global debates about vaccines in the era of Covid-19 currently focus on questions of supply, with attention to unjust global distribution. At the same time, vaccine demand and uptake are seen to be threatened by hesitancy, often attributed to a…
Science Direct
Journal Article

‘Writing budgets for meetings and teas?’: a multitheoretical analysis of intragovernmental coordination for multisectoral action for health in Uganda

Coordination across policy domains and government agencies is considered critical for addressing complex challenges such as inequities, urbanisation and climate change. However, the factors influencing coordination among government entities in low-income and middle-income countries are not well known and theory-based…
BMJ Global Health
Journal Article

Clinical trials as disease control? The political economy of sleeping sickness in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (1996-2016)

Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT), commonly known as sleeping sickness, is closer than ever to being eliminated as a public health problem. We analyse archives and in-depth interviews to explore the role the national HAT programme played in the Democratic Republic…
Science Direct