Search within Central and East Africa, Epidemic preparedness and response,
158 results found
Social, structural and community dynamics of cholera transmission and mortality in Ethiopia am
This key considerations brief was developed to support response efforts by exploring the social and structural determinants and community dynamics of cholera infection and mortality in Ethiopia.
Child engagement in the context of disease outbreaks in Eastern and Southern Africa arfrptessw
This brief explores why, when and how to engage children in the prevention, response and recovery stages of disease outbreaks.
Child engagement in the context of disease outbreaks in Eastern and Southern Africa
This infographic, in Arabic, French, Portuguese, Spanish and Swahili as well as English, summarises insights from a recent key considerations brief exploring why, when and how to engage children in the prevention, response and recovery stages of disease outbreak in…
Discussion on mpox in DRC and social science considerations for operational response fr
This report synthesises the discussions at a SSHAP-organised roundtable on the mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo held in May 2024 to appraise the situation, with a focus on social science insights for informing context-sensitive risk communication…
How can epidemic preparedness and response be improved in the Central and East African Borderlands? fr
This workshop report offers recommendations and reflects on discussions from a workshop attended by social scientists, policymakers, and humanitarian and public health practitioners from Uganda, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan that was facilitated and hosted by…

Mpox, mining, and vulnerabilities of women and children in eastern DRC fr
This Key Considerations brief presents considerations for contextualising and responding to the mpox outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, focusing on women and children living and working in artisanal and small-scale mining areas.
Question Bank
Mpox question bank: Qualitative questions for community-level data collection frpt
A Question Bank for use by field teams and local research teams working in communities with mpox transmission and those at risk of transmission with the aim of supporting the collection and use of consistent and high-quality social and behavioural…
Balancing epidemic preparedness and response with humanitarian protection in Ugandan refugee settlements
This brief presents considerations for preparedness and response, focusing on refugee settlements in north Uganda and drawing on ethnographic data collected during COVID-19.
Meeting report: Mpox and discrimination in African settings fr
This report summarises contributions from speakers and participants at a Social Science in Humanitarian Action Platform (SSHAP)-organised online meeting to discuss mpox and discrimination issues in African settings, and operational responses to mpox that are contextually sensitive.
Outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Rwanda, October 2024 frsw
Key Considerations regarding the outbreak of Marburg virus disease in Rwanda, including national response capabilities, local governance structures, and regional and economic implications.
Research paper
Exploring the effects of COVID-19 on family planning: results from a qualitative study in rural Uganda following COVID-19 lockdown
The COVID-19 pandemic has likely affected the already high unmet need for family planning in low- and middle-income countries. This qualitative study used Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Service Use as a theoretical framework to explore the possible ways in…
Policy document
Monthly Humanitarian Situation Report South Sudan
This Situation Report from the WHO on South Sudan offers an overview of the humanitarian situation in January 2023, including the state of measles transmission and vaccination response, Covid-19 vaccination, cholera and the distribution of health emergency kits.