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Search within Health, wellbeing and care

201 results found

Research paper

‘There Were Moments We Wished She Could Just Die’: The Highly Gendered Burden of Nodding Syndrome in Northern Uganda

Nodding Syndrome (NS) occurs within a wide spectrum of epilepsies seen in onchocerciasis endemic areas of sub-Saharan Africa. It has debilitating consequences on affected individuals and increases the socio-economic, physical and psychological burden on care-givers and their households, diminishing their…
SAGE Publications
Research paper

Whose voices matter? Using participatory, feminist and anthropological approaches to centre power and positionality in research on gender-based violence in emergencies

This article examines how applying participatory, feminist and anthropological methods in gender-based violence research can hold researchers accountable to both acknowledging and explicitly addressing power disparities.
Global Public Health
Research paper

The social dimensions of community delivery of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy in Madagascar, Mozambique, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Intermittent preventive treatment in pregnancy with is a key malaria prevention strategy. We conducted an anthropological study to understand the social context of a community based approach to delivering sulphadoxine pyrimethamine (C-IPTp) through community health workers (CHWs) in four countries…
BMJ Global Health
Research paper

Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) in the Republic of Congo: why the Congolese population is reluctant to screening?

Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) is a neglected tropical infection, and surveillance of the disease relies on community participation in screening. This study aimed to identify the main factors associated with low community uptake of HAT screening in endemic districts in…
Pan African Medical Journal
Research paper

The enduring consequences of conflict-related sexual violence: a qualitative study of women survivors in northern Uganda

One in three women in northern Uganda report having suffered from conflict-related sexual violence (CRSV), including forced marriage and rape. Understanding women’s perceptions of and experiences with CRSV, especially related to the persistent health and social challenges they continue to…
BioMed Central
Research paper

Dramatic effects of COVID-19 public health measures and mass reverse migration on youth sexual and reproductive health in rural Uganda

Youth (aged 10 to 24 years) comprise nearly one-third of Uganda’s population and often face challenges accessing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, with a disproportionately high incidence of negative SRH outcomes. Responding to COVID-19, Uganda implemented strict public health…
Oxford University Press
Research paper

How social norms contribute to physical violence among ever-partnered women in Uganda: A qualitative study

This paper contributes to the literature that studies how social norms sustain undesirable behavior. It establishes how norms contribute to intimate partner physical violence against women. First, norms organize physical violence as a domestic and private matter. Second, they organize…
Research paper

Health Care Workers’ Experiences, Challenges of Obstetric Referral Processes and Self-Reported Solutions in South Western Uganda: Mixed Methods Study

This study described the profile of emergency obstetric referrals, challenges faced in implementation of obstetric referral processes and explored self-reported solutions by health workers.
Dove Medical Press Limited
Research paper

Addressing the Syndemics of HIV, Mental Health, and COVID-19 Using the Health and Human Rights Framework among Youth Living with HIV, in Uganda: an Interpretive Phenomenological Study

Stigma and discrimination negatively impact the prevention, treatment, and care of HIV. The COVID-19 pandemic increased this complexity and created a cluster of synergistic health contexts, wherein the physiological aspects of HIV and the social and environmental conditions increased the…
Springer Nature
Research paper

Help-seeking and challenges faced by transwomen following exposure to gender-based violence; a qualitative study in the Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area, Uganda

The high prevalence of gender-based violence (GBV) among transwomen is a human rights and public health challenge. Nonetheless, there is limited evidence of sources of GBV support services and the challenges faced by transwomen while help-seeking, especially in transphobic settings…
BioMed Central
Research paper

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare access and utilisation in South Sudan: a cross-sectional mixed methods study

Indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on communities in fragile and conflict-affected settings may be severe due to reduced access and use of healthcare, as happened during the 2015 Ebola Virus Disease outbreak. Achieving a balance between short-term emergency response…
BMC Health Services Research
Research paper

Social networks, mobility, and HIV risk among women in the fishing communities of Lake Victoria

A cross-sectional qualitative methods study was conducted to understand mobility patterns among women resident and or working in fishing communities of Lake Victoria in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. The study was conducted in six fishing communities from March 2018 to…
BioMed Central

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