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1335 results found

Journal Article

Vigilantes, Witches and Vampires: How Moral Populism Shapes Social Accountability in Northern Uganda

Strange murders have occurred in northern Uganda. Blood is said to have been removed from the victims, and there are tales about child sacrifice and terrifying witchcraft. An ‘election’ was organised to select the culprit, known as ‘Mr Red’, and…
Journal Article

Conceptual Resilience in the Language and Lives of Resilient People: Cases from Northern Uganda

This special issue explores post-conflict recovery in northern Uganda from the perspective of survivors themselves. Normative notions of resilience are widely critiqued as reductive, depoliticising and simplistic. Although the papers here, based on ethnographic methodologies, are largely sympathetic to this…
Journal Article

Moral Spaces and Sexual Transgression: Understanding Rape in War and Post Conflict

Evocative language describing rape as a ‘weapon of war’ has become commonplace. Although politically important, overemphasis on strategic aspects of wartime sexual violence can be misleading. Alternative explanations tend to understand rape either as exceptional — a departure from ‘normal’…

After rape: justice and social harmony in Northern Uganda

This thesis explores responses to rape in the Acholi sub-region of northern Uganda, based on ethnographic research in two villages. Northern Uganda has been at the heart of international justice debates in the context of ongoing conflict between the Lord’s…
Journal Article

Humanitarian Remains: Erasure and the Everyday of Camp Life in Northern Uganda

The impacts of protracted displacement can be understood through the spatial and material afterlives of war. This article examines leftover aid rations, archives, former displacement camp sites and even unmarked graves as evidence to better understand what happens when people…
Journal Article

Lessons learned from implementation of a national hotline for Ebola virus disease emergency preparedness in South Sudan

The authors conducted a descriptive analysis on quantitative data from call logs reflecting 22 weeks of South Sudan’s Ebola alert hotline, along with thematic coding of qualitative data collected routinely. The hotline was set up during the preparedness phase of…
Journal Article

Assessment of infection prevention and control readiness for Ebola virus and other diseases outbreaks in a humanitarian crisis setting: a cross-sectional study of health facilities in six high-risk States of South Sudan

This study uses data from a structured questionnaire to assess the readiness and capacity of 151 health facilities across six states in Couth Sudan. It found that facilities most lacked a coordination committee structure (13.19%), guidelines and SOPs (21.85%), vector…
Journal Article

Analyses of the performance of the Ebola virus disease alert management system in South Sudan: August 2018 to November 2019

This research paper analysed the performance of the Ebola alert management system, established in response to the Ebola outbreak in DRC in August 2018. EVD alerts reported in South Sudan in 2018-19 were anlaysed using quantitative and qualitative data. Strengths…
Policy Document

Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Preparedness and Readiness Update for South Sudan Update: #002 (13 November 2022)

Government of South Sudan/WHO-produced weekly summary of changes in the situation regarding EVD case incidence, public health preparedness and readiness, challenges/gaps and recommendations.
World Health Organization
Policy Document

Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Preparedness and Readiness Update for South Sudan Update: #004 (27 November 2022)

Government of South Sudan/WHO-produced weekly summary of changes in the situation regarding EVD case incidence, public health preparedness and readiness, challenges/gaps and recommendations.
World Health Organization
Policy Document

Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Preparedness and Readiness Update for South Sudan Update: #003

Government of South Sudan/WHO-produced weekly summary of changes in the situation regarding EVD case incidence, public health preparedness and readiness, challenges/gaps and recommendations.
World Health Organization
Background Reports

Community Approaches to Epidemic Management in South Sudan: Lessons from local healthcare systems in tackling COVID-19

Recognising the long experience and knowledge South Sudanese people have of infectious diseases and their responses, this research documents the various community infectious disease management strategies employed in the Yei, Juba, Wau, Malakal, Aweil West and Rubkona areas. Such responses…