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Search within COVID-19

206 results found

Journal Article

COVID-19 Public Health Restrictions and Older Adults’ Well-being in Uganda: Psychological Impacts and Coping Mechanisms

In Uganda, as in most LMICs, older adults (aged 60+) are amongst the poorest members of society, mostly relying on their children for food and income. Healthcare services can be difficult to access for everyone, causing inequalities, with mental healthcare…
Journal Article

Impact of COVID-19 public health restrictions on older people in Uganda: “hunger is really one of those problems brought by this COVID”

In Uganda, older adults (aged 60 and above) form 2.7 percent of the population and are amongst the poorest members of society without a steady income or state pension system. Most older people in Uganda (and generally in sub-Saharan Africa)…
Journal Article

Anxiety, Anger and Depression Amongst Low-Income Earners in Southwestern Uganda During the COVID-19 Total Lockdown

On 18th March 2020, the President of Uganda announced the first total national lockdown which included the international border closures; the closing of schools, private offices and banned public gatherings at places of worships/social events, initially for a period of…
Frontiers in Public Health

Social Science Considerations for Epidemic Response on Power and Authority in the Western Border Region

This briefing outlines the operational recommendations related to power and authority for communities living in Ugandan border districts during the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemics and the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Social Science Considerations for Epidemic Response Based on Cross-border Population Movement

This briefing outlines the operational recommendations for transport drivers living in Ugandan border districts during the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemics and the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Social Science Considerations for Health-seeking in Epidemic Response

This briefing outlines the operational recommendations related to healthcare seeking for communities living in Ugandan border districts during the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) epidemics and the current COVID-19 pandemic, with lessons for future infectious disease outbreaks.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Social Science Considerations on Human-wildlife Interactions in the Context of Epidemic Response

This briefing also reports on current hunting behaviours and rationales, and assesses the risk of further pathogen spillover events as a result of COVID-19.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Key Considerations: Social Science Perspectives for Emergency Response to the Conflict in Northern Ethiopia am

Ethiopia is currently experiencing several intersecting humanitarian crises including conflict, climatic shocks, COVID-19, desert locust infestation and more, affecting nearly 30 million people. This brief outlines important contextual factors and social impacts of the Northern Ethiopian crisis and offers key…

Key Considerations for Integrating COVID-19 Vaccination Services: Insights from Iraq and Syria for the MENA Region ar

This brief draws on evidence from academic and grey literature and consultations with partners working in the COVID-19 response to review current integration efforts (as of August 2022) and explore potentially effective ways to integrate COVID-19 vaccination into other services…

Key Considerations: Engaging Young People in Latin American and the Caribbean in the COVID-19 Response

This brief draws on academic and grey literature exploring how COVID-19 affects young people, as well as literature describing the pandemic response in Latin American and the Caribbean and other regions. It offers considerations on how to engage youth by…
Evidence Reviews

Evidence Review: COVID-19 Recovery in South Asian Urban Informal Settlements

This evidence review highlights local responses, grassroots efforts, and challenges around COVID-19 recovery within urban informal settlements in South Asia. It focuses on specific examples from Karachi, Pakistan and Mumbai, India to inform policy responses for COVID-19 recovery and future…

Key Considerations: Drivers Influencing Vaccination-related Behaviours Among Ukrainian Refugees in Poland

This brief summarises existing information about the factors influencing vaccination-related practices during the Ukrainian crisis. It also presents strategic and practical considerations to inform the design of interventions to create demand for routine immunisation among Ukrainian refugees.