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Search within Conflict

233 results found

UNICEF/UNI184726/Le Du
Evidence Reviews

Revisiting Therapeutic Governance: The Politics of Mental Health and Psychosocial Programmes in Humanitarian Settings

In the last thirty years, humanitarian programmes have increasingly sought to preserve not only physical life and health, but also to address psychological needs and promote social well-being. This growing prioritisation of psychological issues in humanitarian settings can be seen…
Refugee Studies Centre-Oxford Department of International Development

Psychosocial Intervention in Complex Emergencies: A Framework for Practice

This working paper sets about developing a common framework that summarises key knowledge in the field of psychosocial interventions in emergencies in order to provide agencies with some tools’ for making decisions about the type of interventions they can implement.…
Psychosocial Working Group
Evidence Reviews

Nutrition Interventions for Older People in Emergencies

In emergency situations, older people may find it hard to access food. For example, when they are displaced, older people may face difficulties in registering for the general food rations, meet challenges in accessing food distributions and difficulties transporting the…
HelpAge International
Evidence Reviews

Towards a Comprehensive Approach of Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Needs of Women Displaced by War and Armed Conflict: A Practical Guide for Programme Officers

For some years, awareness about the need for comprehensive sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services for women in situations of war and armed conflict has been growing. As a result, humanitarian aid programmes are paying more and more attention to…
International Centre for Reproductive Health, Ghent University
Evidence Reviews

Women and Girls Safe Spaces – A Guidance Note Based on Lessons Learned from the Syrian Crisis

The creation of women and girls safe spaces (WGSS) has emerged as a key strategy for the protection and empowerment of women and girls affected by the Syrian crisis. This document provides an overview of what safe spaces are and…
Background Reports

Where Are The Girls? Girls in Fighting Forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique: Their Lives During and After War

This study contributes to what is currently known about the experiences of girls in fighting forces as distinct from those of boys. It is meant to assist policymakers in developing policies and programs to help protect and empower girls in…
International Centre for Human Rights and Democratic Development
Evidence Reviews

Challenges of Post-Conflict Recovery!

This document highlights on issues of Peace Recovery Development Plan (PRDP) and health service delivery in northern Uganda.The report reviews an assessment surrounding the recent influx of asylum seekers and refugees from South Sudan to Uganda and summarises its key…
Refugee Law Project
Background Reports

International Peacekeeping: Special Issue: HIV/AIDS and Post-Conflict Societies in Africa

Intorductory article to edition of International Peacekeeping which explores HIV/AIDS in post-conflict societies in Africa. It assesses the key aspects of these societies that contribute towards the spread and impact of the epidemic, such as poorly functioning national health systems,…
Background Reports

Ebola and Beyond: Equality, Sustainability, Security – Interlaced Challenges in a Global Development Era

The 2014 Ebola crisis in West Africa is a global emergency and a set of personal tragedies. But beyond the urgent headlines and struggles to control the epidemic, what deeper stories should be told? This paper, originally presented as a…
Evidence Reviews

Knowledge Management in Practice – Implementing Effective Knowledge Management in Emergencies: A Case Study from Somalia WASH Cluster

In the last two decades few countries have experienced a more protracted emergency than Somalia. Absence of a functioning central government and the ongoing conflict have led to a lack of access to basic social services, resulting in the country…
Regional Emergency Cluster Advisor Project
Evidence Reviews

Coming of Age: Communication’s Role in Powering Global Health 

Communication has been a consistent current running through many major health developments of recent years. And yet, despite the demonstrated promise of communication as a tool for improving public health, not enough has been done to date to capitalise upon…
Evidence Reviews

Still Left in the Dark? How People in Emergencies Use Communication to Survive – and How Humanitarian Agencies Can Help

In 2008, a BBC World Service Trust policy briefing argued that people affected by earthquakes, floods or other emergencies often lacked the information they needed to survive and that this only added to their stress and anxiety. Left in the…